Welcome to "El Lodazal" | [es-en]

in Freewriters10 days ago

GIF 11-9-2024 13-51-15.gif

Justo cuando pronuncia la palabra: “pecador”, el predicador voltea y me mira directo desde el púlpito. Lleva media hora repitiendo: “¡El cerdo vuelve a su lodo!”; "¡pecadores arderán en el infierno si siguen en sus pecados!", me señala con el índice.

¿Qué tiene este hombre contra mí?: ¿Qué regento un club nudista? ¿Qué le sirvo tragos a él y su “elegida” de turno en su “reservado”? ¿Qué varias veces lo he cargado a su casa, inconsciente en su borrachera?

No entiendo su furor, pues él es, quien más disfruta cuando vuelve al “El Lodazal”, el nombre de mi próspero negocio.

GIF 11-9-2024 15-06-53.gif
Imagen capturada del concurso

La imagen representa a dos cerditos jugando en un pozo, que por el color negro asumo como barro. El primero, se lanza al pozo con cara de alegría. El segundo, asustado preocupado por la llegada del primero, pues el pozo parece estrecho en el dibujo.

Cuando vi al primer cerdito, enseguida conecté con gratos recuerdos de niño jugando en el agua y a veces en el barro. Al ver al otro cerdito conecté con la culpa que sentí alguna vez en la iglesia, al creerme acusado en las predicas, por disfrutar el barro. Y surgió la historia de arriba.




GIF 11-9-2024 13-51-15.gif

Just as he says the word: “sinner”, the preacher turns and looks directly at me from the pulpit. He has been repeating for half an hour: “The pig returns to its own mud!”; “sinners will burn in hell if they continue in their sins!”, pointing at me with his index finger.

What does this man have against me? That I run a strip club? That I serve him and his “chosen one” drinks in his “private room”? I have carried him to his house several times, unconscious in his drunkenness?

I don't understand his fury, because he is the one who enjoys the most when he returns to “El Lodazal”, the name of my prosperous business.

GIF 11-9-2024 15-06-53.gif
Imagen capturada del concurso

The image represents two little pigs playing in a well, which I assume is mud because of the black color. The first one jumps into the well with a happy face. The second one is scared and worried about the arrival of the first one, because the well seems narrow in the drawing.

When I saw the first little pig, I immediately connected with pleasant memories of being a child playing in the water and sometimes in the mud. When I saw the other little pig, I connected with the guilt I once felt in church, when I believed I was accused in the sermons, for enjoying the mud. And the story above emerged.




Esta es la tarea 2 del Taller de escritura "wewrite" de
This is task 2 of the "wewrite" Writing Workshop

@inspiracion & @wakeupkitty

Para el gif de cabecera, utilicé la imagen propuesta por el reto, editándola con Power Point.
For the header gif, I used the image proposed by the challenge, editing it with Power Point.



Original production by @joslud -- #wox-joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.

 9 days ago 

Me gusta la forma en que dejas fluir los pensamientos.

Gracias amigo, aprecio tu comentario.
🙏 Namaste

Bienvenido al Lodazal, que tantas veces ha visitado, pero me señala con el dedo cuando voy "a su local" jejeje. La hipocresía está a la orden del día, pero no todos los curas son así tan dados a ir a los lodazales ¿O sí?

Las experiencias personales sirven de inspiración al momento de crear una historia, es un recurso muy bueno que has utilizado. La historia fue divertida pero a la vez hace reflexionar.


Hola @blessedlife

Así es, yo acudo a mis vivencias para escribir, las agarro y las transformo en ideas para poner por escrito.
¿Sabés?, que conozco pocos "curas" y no se a donde van generalmente.

Lo que si se es que en el lodazal cuesta saber quien es quien, de lo cubierto de barro que estamos. 🤭😉
Gracias por comentar amiga. (Me gustó tu verso de inicio)

Tu texto invita a la reflexión, pues, por lo general, quien ha pisado el lodo en alguna ocasión, ya aparentemente limpio, cuestiona y reprocha a quien vive donde él vivió. ¿Es esta una actitud de empatía?

No, yo diría que es más bien de antipatía, jajaja.

Me encantó leerte. Suerte en la tarea.

Hola @solperez
Pues es como una ley de vida, ¡verdad!

Me surgen varias respuestas, antipatía, hipocresía, proyección en el otro... da para mucho.

Gracias por la lectura y el comentario

Así es; y cuando un texto dé para varias interpretaciones, podemos decir que está bien escrito. Te deseo suerte.

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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We are the hope!

 9 days ago 

Dear Free Writer,

We are very happy that you have joined #wewrite and we hope that you have fun writing together. What you write is a learning experience for all of us and feedback is important. Also, read your comments, they can be very useful. Below you will find the review of your publication.
We thank you for participating in We-Write.

What went good - 1 point1
What to improvetip: see comment
Title - 2 point2
Hashtags - 1 points1
A flashy start - 2 points2
Creativity / out-of-the-box thinking - 3 points2
Following the rules - 1 point1
AI text is forbidden-
Verification date:September 12, 2024

Well done!


All good? - You could be nominated for the 5 best of the week.

 9 days ago 

Thank you for sharing your second entry with us. Although I was pleasantly surprised by your first picture (gif) the fact all the other pictures where flashing as well made it hard for me to read you.

The title is inviting and I like the way you started (introduction) although in average I like to see a story if a story is written at first. It must be the word sinner good enough to attract the attention.

It is okay if you write what you see and feel underneath the story but the way you did it is not what is asked for. A short description of what is seen without assumptions or the "because" is what is needed to be able to think in a different way.

You can have a look at @solperez her task 2 where she kept it simple.

Altogether your score is good.
I wish you a great day.

Hi @wakeupkitty

Your first observation got me thinking, yesterday I was in a zoom with several people and one of the people present used a video as a background that was repeated over and over again. Many of the participants were distracted by it and they told me to remove it. I saw it but somehow it didn't distract or bother me. Strange!!

Today when I read your reaction to the amount of gifs I used, I said to myself: I think I'm in the minority in terms of not noticing that the gif can distract the attention of others. (More so if I repeat it 4 times)
Thanks for that observation, it puts me in the right place. I'll keep it in mind in the future, not just here.

I also take note of keeping it simple. In Venezuela we say something like: "Turn down the intensity by two." 😉

Thanks for expressing your impression.

 8 days ago 

It can be I am more sensitive to too many gifts, I have the same with all those collages or different pictures used within a story. It distracts me from what is written and it makes it hard for me to focus.

An interesting idiom, but a good one. I will remember it.
I hope you will benefit from turning the intensity down by two since what I read from you is promising.

I wish you a great weekend.

UMMER(4).jpg Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

Esta publicación ha sido votada positivamente/apoyada por el Equipo 7 a través de @httr4life. Nuestro equipo apoya el contenido que contribuye a la comunidad.
