I had to rush to help my friend.

in LAKSHMIlast month


(pixabay image)

Sunday is the day when I get a time to relax from my busy job schedule. I love this day a lot. I was dreaming to relax like this green anakonda and do nothing but resting and resting.

Alas! This couldn't happen. I could not have a luxury to relax and spend time sleeping in my room. I had to go to meet my friend Emily whose mother was admitted in a hospital. Her mother is suffering from heart attack. Her condition was serious. However, Emily did a nice job by taking her to the hospital in time. Otherwise, things could have been worse. When she saw her mother having dreaded face and taking her hand towards her heart, she immediately called for an ambulance. So, her mother could be given treatment in time and her life could be saved.

Thanks to promt action of Emily that her mother is safe now. She had no other relative. So, she called me and I immediately rushed to the hospital which is just five kilometer from my home. I came home late. I'll take leave tomorrow as my friend need my help.

May she get well soon. Amen!