Happy mothers day to all!

in LAKSHMI4 months ago


(pixabay image)

Today we are celebrating mother's day. A day dedicated to all mothers. My Mother gave me birth, raised me and made me capable of surviving in this cruel world. She made me strong and protected me when I was a child. She was a great lady whom I lost last year. Unfortunately, she is not with me but her memories would always be with me guiding me and teaching me the right path.

I remember how I used to make her life tough when I was a child. She never got angry when I broke something or created some nuisance due to my mischivoues nature. I miss you mamma! You will always be in my heart. No matter how life treats me, I won't give up. I'll be strong and fulfill your dreams. You wished to see me successful. I will be successful one day and make you proud.

Thank you for your affection, love and caring. I wish everyone a happy mothers day. Love you all.