Betterlife: The dairy game, A discussion of some of the most emotional moments of the day.[19/09/2024]


Hello friends

🌺Assalamu Alykum 🌺

Yesterday was Wednesday, 18- 09-2024

How are you all? Hope everybody is well. Today I will share in the form of a diary some of the busy days of last wednes day 18th /09\2024 With you, I hope everyone will like it. Let's get started..



Beautifull cover photo.

I woke up early in the morning and was fresh.Then I went to the mosque to offer the Fajr prayer. After the prayer, I came out of the mosque and saw that the road was not foggy, but it was very cold. After the prayer, I returned home. Then I ate breakfast. After that came to the office. I entered the office and started work a little late, because it was a little cold. Then I started work and finished work in tea break. Then I started work again. Immediately then I worked again until lunch break.


Morning tea break time



working time in the noon.

After that I came home at lunch break and freshened up. After that, I rested and told the in-charge Sir that I will not go to the office after the break. Because today the work of installing electricity in the house was left. Anyway, the electrician came, then after a lot of pulling, the electrician and I installed the electric line. It was too late. After finishing the electrical installation, I finished eating after praying. After that I rested. It was afternoon.


Time to apply current.



In the afternoon it is time to return the wares to the wares shop.

Get up in the afternoon and get fresh. Then I went to the mosque for Asr prayer. I came home from the mosque after prayer. After coming home, I work at home for some time. In the meantime he had brought 100 yards to the work of the current.I went to the shop in the market to return the rest of that current. After going to the shop to return it, a friend called me and said that a brother we know has passed away and his funeral prayers will be held in the evening. I also agreed to go.

Evening and Night


At the moment of returning after the funeral prayer.

I finished the work at the shop and went to that place with my friend for the funeral prayer. After that we all prayed the Maghrib prayer. After the prayer, I offered the funeral prayer keeping the deceased in front of me. After the prayer, I took the corpse to the cemetery for burial. After burying the body, I returned home. I came home and ate some food. Then talk to friends on Facebook for a while. In between, the call to night prayer is called, then I perform ablution and go to the mosque to pray. After praying, I come home and then have dinner. Then go to sleep.I watch travel videos on YouTube for a sleeping time. then I go to sleep. I hope everyone will like it.

Thanks everyone.

The End