Animal macro photography || Grasshoppers

in Steem of Animals13 hours ago



Overall, grasshoppers have various species in this world. In the picture I show, this is the type of leafhopper that we often find around our living environment.

This animal usually lives and resides in areas of bushes and small trees. Its food is young green leaves, in other words, grasshoppers really like young leaves, just like most men 🤭


We often find this animal perched or even hiding in leaves. This animal is an animal that is not aggressive, so it is easy for us to approach it.

Leafhoppers with contrasting green colors are attracted to grass or plants with green colors, maybe this is how they do it to camouflage or avoid natural predators.

While grasshoppers with brownish colors will like to live in areas of bushes and branches that tend to be dark in color.

In some cases, leafhoppers often confront other types of insects, but this is part of the natural ecosystem process. Animals always have the instinct to defend their territory from threats from other animals.


Actually, there are many species of grasshoppers that we often encounter. But here I only want to show some pictures of the beauty of leafhoppers with dominant green colors. Here are some beautiful pictures from the photos I took 👇





All images are personal documentation


