How To Help Discover Creativity In Kids

in Steem Kids & Parents7 days ago

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Greetings dear creative steemains how are you all doing today I hope all is well and you all are having a nice, lovely and wonderful day?

Today I will be sharing with you all base on my own concept some of the basic steps that can be followed in realising the creativity in our little ones.


Creativity this can be seen as an act of being capable to utilise our imaginations and original ideas into creating something positive and outstanding.

And studies shows that this creativity that we are talking about are of different types and they are;

  • exploratory creativity
  • transformational creativity
  • combinational creativity

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Exploratory Creativity

Now for the exploratory creativity, this is very common in childrens as the will always want to discover everything and want to have knowledge about everything single thing around them.

And it isn't wise at all to try discouraging them by shouting or beating them to stop, such actions deem their creativity and encourage timidity.

Transformational Creativity

Meanwhile transformational creativity is a kind of creativity in children which they often tend to see beyond what is in front of them and would try using one thing to create another.

Combinational Creativity

And lastly combinational creativity, this one is very rear amongst children but it is an act of being able to make use of any situation or materials to create something unique through combinations

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How To Help Discover Creativity In Kids

Now back to the main aim of this article, we elders play a vital role in helping our little ones discover and awaken their own creativity, and some of this ways are;

  • By supporting them in their little plans
  • By encouraging them not to stop in what so ever they are doing
  • By showing corrections to them
  • By accepting their little ideas 💡 in any situation even though it doesn't work out when tried
  • By giving them time to be themselves

All that and many more are some of the most proven to be effective ways which we as elders can help our little ones (children) to realise and awaken the creativity in them.

This will be the end of my article and I sincerely hope you all got to learn something
