Update #78: Writing Expedition ✍️, Have Fun while Writing! The dairy game


Hello 👋 everyone, greetings to you all. I hope you guys are doing great and enjoying your day.

I am very happy to be among the participants of this wonderful contest Update #78: Writing Expedition ✍️, Have Fun while Writing! organized by @steemkidss, and today I want to share with my beautiful friends my activities for the day.

Indeed, it was really a stressful day


Waking up around 5am in the morning, I start my morning devotion, thinking God for the new and bright day he has given us and also seeking his protection and guidance throughout the day.

After my morning devotion, I went outside to start my morning duties, which are as usual washing and sweeping the compound. I started with washing the used and dirty plate, making sure that there was no stain left on it


When I am done washing, I pick up my long broom and start sweeping our compound We have an avocado tree, and the leaves always fall without mercy


Omo! I am very angry, but I have no option but to keep sweeping it because I am the one that chose it as morning duty.

After my morning duties, I went and brushed my teeth and then took my breakfast prepared by my sister, which was pap and okpa.

After taking my breakfast, I decided to have to rest before going to the farm to weed. After resting, I took my hole and then off to the farm.

When I came back from the farm, it was already 12 p.m., so I decided to wash some of my dirty clothes before taking my bath.


When I was done washing the clothes, I took my bath, dressed up, and rushed to the market to get some food stuff that I would use in preparing rice and stew for lunch.

I bought rice, tomatoes,tomatoes fish, vegetables, and other ingredients used in making stew


When I came back from the market, I retired to the kitchen to start my cooking.

This time around I wasn't using gas; I was to cook with firewood, so first of all, I had to break my firewood into smaller pieces with my axe before making the fire


After breaking the firewood, I made the fire and started my cooking, washing and boiling the rice.

When I am done boiling my rice, I start making the stew, blending my tomatoes, frying it, and adding my fish and other ingredients till it is done.

Omo! The food is ready!!


When I was done making the lunch, I served the food to my siblings and also took mine!


After eating my lunch, I decided to have some rest, but unfortunately I slept t off.

Waking up around 4pm in the evening, I chat with my siblings, having a good and funny time together, and after I went to prepare items for school tomorrow, ironing my school uniform, polishing my shoe, and placing things in order, so that I won't forget anything while going to school tomorrow.

After that, I went to the kitchen and heated the remaining food, which served as dinner.

I took my own share, took my bath, and retired to the room.

Lying down on my bed, I open this wonderful platform, read, vote, and comment on some amazing posts, and start writing mine.

Thanks for reading 🤩 🥰

I will love to invite @ruthjoe, @petjwell, and @mesola to join in this great contest.




It's still me, @meeky3,thanks for your support 🤩🥰💖


It seems that your day has been well spent and you did a lot of activities, thanks for sharing with us how you spent your day, success and all the best

Yes my day was well spent but very stressful too because I did a lot of work
Thanks for your comment 🤩🥰