It's in You! #Writing Expedition [Literature]

in Steem Kids & Parents2 days ago

It feels good to be here once again. I decided to join in on one of the amazing contest we have running in this noble community. The writing expedition for today Thursday seems to catch my attention and we have been asked to focus on literature, be it prose, story telling or poem. I've decided to tell a story with the above title. Let's enjoy this friends.

It's in you is a story of young man called Jeff, an handsome young man who had always desired to be celebrated. He lived in a little village with his family and friends and has always enjoyed the communal lifestyle in the village as everyone love to do things in common.

You can tell when one family is sad and when they are equally happy. That's one good thing about the communal lifestyle. The bond is just so real and genuine and that has kept everyone together in the village.

There are various festivals and events that is being celebrated in the village and each of those events and festivals always produce a winner that is celebrated for a year till another emerges. And this has been going on for years in that village.

Everyone always look forward to be the winner so they can have a feel of been celebrated. One of those event is that of the fastest swimmer and this time the organizers have specifically made the competition to be for the young men in the village as the price earmarked would be the kings daughter.


This sounds so good and appealing to the ears, young men from the length and breath of the village started showing interest because of the prize at stake. They were ready to show how good they were in swimming. They were to swim the length and breath of a particular river in that land. It was the first time trying the competition in that river.

Jeff heard the new about the modality the event would be taking this time and the prize at stake but wasn't sure he was a match with any of the great participants that already showed interest. Participants like UZO , who had won this competition 3 consecutive times, IKE who was the current holder of the title and FRED who has also held this title countless time among several others were in for the show.

The D-Day day came and everyone was assembled around the river in such a way that they all would be able to watch the competition unhindered. The king was also there, positioned in a very strategic location for a perfect view. He also came with his two queens. After he sat, he gave his address which always come before the competition.

He had barely ended his statement when his guard ushered in this princess alongside his maid, she was walking very close to the water to see for her self the present level of the water and it current because each year at that particular period, the river seems to increase in size coupled with a violent torrent.


While in the process she slipped and fell because of the high current of the water she was swept immediately...there was a large shout and fear was everywhere. The swimmers were also scared because of the presence current of that water, it seem to be very aggressive, they didn't know if it was safe to jump in. Bravery left them in the hands of fear.

Jeff, felt a push from within at that instance and jumped him, he followed the flow and applied little of the skill he knew, while been carried away in the same water. He had never attempted swimming in this kind of river. In fact, this was the very first time they tried the competition with that river called Nmirin.


He was on this for about 20 minutes until he caught the princess and brought her to safety, they both narrowly escaped falling off the steep where the current was leading them...of course they would have landed in the deep with several rocks and they wouldn't have survived. At this point, all the competitors bowed their heads in shame and would not even stick around.

Jeff brought he princess to the king and was about turning back to leave when the king summoned him and also observed he wasn't part of the competitors. He was very amazed and equally pleased he could risk his life for his daughter. "Who else deserved this daughter of mine if not this young man" the king asked in a loud voice.

After this statement he handed over his daughter to him, of course his daughter already feels indebted to Jeff for saving her life. And that was how Jeff got the prize and was honored and celebrated that year...since the competition ended in that manner.

Jeff could not contain his joy and surprise as well, he wondered where the push came from, and what could have made him venture into such life threatening adventure. Then he realized this ability has always been in Him but has never been utilized as a result of fear and inferiority complex.

Moral Lesson

It in you my friends, everything you need to succeed is in you. God has deposited so much ability inside of us that we have not harnessed, if only we could take the bull by the horn and allow these deposits and ability find expression in and through. Instead of shying away because we feel we are no match, let make a move and prove that we are more than a match for our challenges.

Thanks for your time and just before I go, I would love to invite @rakiya @drhira @owulami to this contest. Gracias!



Nice story I enjoyed reading through it. Success to you
