The Diary Game {Tuesday, 17 September 2024} || Serving students taking diplomas

in Steem Nations4 days ago

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Greetings steemean friends

Friends, admins and all moderators of the beloved community @SteemNations. My diary for the whole day starts at 05.30 West Indonesia Time. At that time I had just woken up from my sleep and immediately started praying at dawn. After sitting for a while longer, heavy rain fell to color the start of this morning. I was forced to continue sitting and relaxing waiting for the rain to stop.

At 07.15 West Indonesia Time, the rain stopped and I immediately made preparations to go to school. Because the rain fell early in the morning, the school atmosphere became quiet, because most of the children did not go to school because of it.

I just sat in the office while preparing the diploma files for the 6th grade students graduating this year, for each student to take later. So at around 10.40 West Indonesia Time, several students who were continuing their education at the nearest junior high school came to their old school to collect their diplomas, report cards and so on.

I, who served as homeroom teacher for class 6 last year, and even now, along with another teacher friend, have to serve several graduating students who come, starting from fingerprinting the diploma, photocopying the diploma, legalizing it and handing it over as proven by the student's signature in the diploma receipt book.



With several students who took their diplomas today

After that, around 11.45 West Indonesian time, or after the children who took their diplomas went home. I also heard the news that their school was on fire. So I immediately went to visit my destination, but in fact smoke had started billowing in one of the classrooms and many residents were trying to put out the fire.



A classroom that almost caught fire in my village's Junior High School and with several students there

However, fortunately several fire brigade units arrived, which prevented the fire from spreading and was successfully extinguished. After that, I went back to school to do finger roll and immediately went home to my village mosque to pray midday prayers in congregation.

Then I immediately went home to enjoy a little lunch, and could just sit there after that until I rested for a while.

After the Asr prayer obligation, I performed it at around 16.30 West Indonesia Time. I can only spend time at home sweeping the yard and burning the rubbish. Next, I took a shower and got ready to go to the mosque for the congregational evening prayer.

After returning from the mosque I went straight home to enjoy a little dinner. Then I went back out to a regular coffee shop in my village, to enjoy a cup of coffee and just watch the broadcast of the Indonesian league football match.


At the coffee shop

After a while at the shop, I returned to the mosque to pray evening prayers. Then I went home to sleep and rest. But before that, I finished my diary for the whole day.

Friends, admins and moderators, that is a snippet of my presentation on today's occasion. I hope I can get benefits and good wishes. Sorry if there are any mistakes in presenting this post, Wassalam.

Follow Me @teukuipul87

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Original picture@teukuipul87
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I would like to express my thanks to all my friends who are part of this beloved community, as well as to all my brother and sister moderators.


 4 days ago 

admin and all beloved community moderators. Please allow me to delegate 200 SP for now. please follow up. Thank You.


 4 days ago 

The junior high school class that caught fire, you mentioned that several students were also there. Are the students okay, and were they unharmed?
May Allah keep everyone safe , Ameen.
Also go and comment on other people's posts as well to increase engagement.

 4 days ago (edited)

thank you very much admin.. fortunately there were no fatalities, but of course many students' equipment such as book bags and others were not saved.... I will try to interact well here. regards

 4 days ago 

Thank God students are save.

Hi, @teukuipul87,

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