The diary game: beautiful scene of humor life

in Best 일상yesterday

A humorous approach to the events of the day appears to be in the park which is well lit and inhabited with sun. As other children run around with their legs covered in dust, so do the children laugh. An excited dog attempts to leap and catch a flying disk but it is always just out of reach never-the-mind’s barking. Quickly to the side, a busy man outside withstands the embarrassment of others and bends over to try to loose a kite stuck in a tree which does not fly. They notice an old couple seated on a bench chuckling about a meaningless joke and their joy seemed so infectious. Watching it, she was not afraid of the melted ice cream on her hand. As she did so, more and more ice-cream cone tilted away from her. The park is peaceful, filled with the sound of pleasant gossip, rush of bicycles, pleasant fragrance of flowers. Even with the little imperfections that life comes with, it’s the funniest thing ever illustrated with moments of joy filled with laughter. This is where the computation of low shapes comes in very handy, the day is filled and brings humor in the sewing, reminding people of the stitches that hold us all.

