SFS Contest Week 27! Drawing Contest Draw A Papaya! 5 SP + Booming Vote (1st Winner), Pakistan

Assalam u Alaikum,




Papaya is the fruit that enhance our HB level, Keeps our liver function correct. Papaya is an excellent fruit for diabetic patients. Papaya is very helpful in keeping blood sugar levels normal. People who suffer from high blood pressure, if they consume papaya orally, their pain will be cured very quickly and blood will start forming.

Children didn't like

Most children do not eat it willingly, but run away when force-fed. So that they don't have to eat. Because it is bland, it rarely turns out to be sweet.
So diabetics eat this fruit very fondly. Because it contains very little sugar.

Its similar to mango from inside, but its taste is completely different from mango. And from above it is also different from mango, but the form is similar to mango from above. Because its yellow color helps to resemblance. While the native papaya is green and orange in color and has black spots on it.

This picture that I am presenting to you is drawn by my daughter. Seeing this, my younger daughter also sat down to make papaya and on her request, I will also share her picture in my post. But the real picture is the one I showed you processing.

Drawing of PAPAYA

Step 1️⃣

To make the papaya, she first drew on the paper with a lead pencil and started coloring inside. First used orange color and mixed it up with light yellow. It was the inner part of the papaya so its color is a bit dark which gives both orange and yellow shade.


Step 2️⃣

Now it is time to color its peel, which will give both green and yellow shade, its peel will also have yellow shade and inside where the seeds are, it will also give both yellow and black shade.


Step 3️⃣

Have used crayon as well as pencil color. Finished papaya with peach color crayons and rubbed with finger to blend all the colors. When all the colors are properly mixed in the ups, the outline is given with a pencil so that its edges are clear. This way our papaya drawing is complete.


My little daughter with Papaya drawing


Now I share my little ones drawing with her selfie.



I invite to



Bendiciones mi niño, hermoso dibujo me encanta, lindo talento sigue así, y muchas gracias ❤️❤️ por tu invitación, saludos y abrazos.


I saw your drawing and I like your drawing very well. You have draw papaya and you have explained stepwise how you made it and the colors you have used are very beautiful. I like your drawing very much.best of luck my dear friend 😍

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