pizza recipe yumm

in LifeStyle4 years ago

1 chicken breast 350 g (sliced)
mushrooms 75 g
3 olive oil 3 tbsp
4 green onions (sliced) 8 tbsp
5 fresh pepper 1 tbsp (remove seeds and chop)
6 red paprika teaspoon
( 7) Coriander (chop) 4 tablespoons
8 pizza (medium size) 1 tablespoon
9 chili garlic sauce 1 tablespoon
10 mozzarella cheese 350 g
11 salt black pepper powder

Step by Step Instructions

Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil in a frying pan, add chicken slices, green onion, fresh red pepper, red pepper և mushrooms և fry for 2-3 minutes on high heat.

Now add salt and pepper powder. Remove excess oil and allow the mixture to cool.
2- Now add green coriander and mix

  1. Now first coat the bottom of the pizza with olive oil and then add the hot garlic sauce.
  2. Then spread the chicken and mushroom mixture evenly over it. Pour over the remaining olive oil.
  3. Grind the mozzarella cheese and place on top of the pizza
  4. Place the pizza in a preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes.




