Zapfic Writing Contest Week 100 : The Final Boarding Call

in ART LOVERS5 years ago

This is my entry to the #zapfic Writing contest week 100 hosted by

This week's prompt : Alarm
Character count : 237

Roommates from 2 different ends of the world on day 1, to best friends 6 years on, the 2 uni graduates sat at the airport on the final day, waiting for their respective flights.

"This is the final boarding call...."

It was time. They knew.


Until Next Time!


 5 years ago 

I like the stories that leave you wondering what happens next. Not necessarily a "cliffhanger," per se, but definitely leaves you wanting a little more.


Thank you so much!

I actually enjoy cliffhangers if I know there’s going to be a sequel. But if there’s going to be no sequels, ending a story on a cliffhanger should be declared as criminal activity! 🤣