Myocarditis 3x More Common After Vaxx

Risk of Myocarditis and other AESI > Risk of COVID Hospitalizations (Part 23)

I originally added this (on Quora)to a previous post:

But since it is that time again this year where millions of children and young adults will be coerced into getting the latest booster I decided to make it a standalone post as well.

A French cohort study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found, using data from the national hospital discharge database, almost twice as many cases of vaxxed induced myocarditis (558) than COVID19 induced myocarditis (298), between December 2020 and June 2022, despite recording cases of either within a pro-vaxx bias asymmetrical case counting windows of 7 days for the former and 30 days for the latter. When myocarditis following injection or infection was counted within the same 30 day window there were over 3x as many cases of vaxxed induced myocarditis (902) than COVID19 induced myocarditis (298) with similar rates of re-hospitalization following infection (4%) or injection (3.8%).

Victims of post-vaxx (mainly modRNA) myocarditis tended to be younger (median 25.9 years), male (84%), and had a lower frequency of cardiometabolic disease compared to victims of post-COVID19 myocarditis who tended to be older (median 31 years), less likely to be male (67%), and had more comorbidities. Thus, the risk of myocarditis following either injection or infection is not the same across the population. Myocarditis following injection was more common for all men below the age of 40. Injection also does not appear to prevent myocarditis as modRNA recipients were 138 of the 298 cases of myocarditis; thus, myocarditis was more frequent among vaxxed (1,040 cases) than among the unvaxxed as a whole (160 cases) within the same 30 day case counting window. After adjusting for population the vaxxed are 1.6x as likely to develop myocarditis after either event. Another finding that would dumbfound the “experts” is that unvaxxed 18-24 year olds had fewer cases of post-COVID19 myocarditis (25) within the 30 days case counting window than fully vaxxed 18-24 year olds did within the 7 day case counting window (32) and unvaxxed and vaxxed between 30-39 years of age and 40-49 years of age had the same number of cases for their respective cohorts within the same asymmetrical case counting window.

Anti-spike seroprevelance in France from the primary series is about 80%. While I do not have anti-nucleocapsid seroprevelance data for France by June 30, 2022, when the study ended, seroprevelance data from similar western countries suggest that a similar percentage of the study population had been infected as had been vaxxed by that time. As early as February 2022, 58.2% of the U.S. population including 75.7% of children and adolescents (under 18), and 64.5% adults between 18–49 years had been infected with SARS-COV-2 at least once. This increased to >70% by June 2022 for adolescents and adults under 50 (75.6% for 16–29 year olds & 70% for 30–49 year olds) which is when the French study ended. By June 9, 2022 72.4% of the population of Geneva, Switzerland had at least one SARS-COV-2 infection. Nearly 48% of the population of High Income European countries had at least one SARS-COV-2 infection by March 2022. An estimated 66% of the healthy adult Danish population between 17–27 years of age had been infected with omicron between November 1, 2021 and March 15, 2022.