" Equal dignity and importance of men and women"

in Steem4Bloggers4 days ago



Are men and women's contributions equal in society, or do men contribute more than women?

In Indonesia, we highly respect equality between men and women, but there are things that women should not do that can damage their self-esteem.

In society, men contribute more than women, because in Indonesia we highly value women, so some things that play a role in our society are preferred to be done by men.

Most of the tasks of women in Indonesia are only as housewives because that is the nature of a woman, but if a woman has the ability to contribute to society without disturbing the state of her household, then that is fine.

Who do people in your country prefer, women or men? And why? Or do they give equal attention to women and men?



Men and women in Indonesia are equal in the eyes of the law and in the eyes of society, it just depends on the quality of the man and woman, if they are good people and can respect others then we will still like them, both men and women, and vice versa.

We will pay attention to anyone without looking at their physical appearance or gender, as long as everyone is polite and kind, Indonesian people really like that person.

A man's life will be difficult without a woman, and a woman's life will be difficult without a man, what do you think?

Yes, I really agree with this statement, because men and women are 2 things that cannot be separated, men and women must always depend because a person's life will not be perfect if they cannot unite well between men and women, because in this world there are things that can only be done by women and there are also things that can only be done by men.

By uniting between men and women, it will make this life better in all areas because we need each other and respect each other.

Every man must respect women, and every woman must respect men, do you agree, why?



Yes, of course it must be so, women should not consider themselves better than men and men should not consider themselves better than women. We all have to respect each other to make our relationships with each other better.

Without any respect between men and women I think they should lower their ego.

This is my entry for Contest Alert - Equal dignity and importance of men and women organized by my brother @memamun, I would also like to invite @dekki, @dikimon2 and buk @suryati1 to participate together in this contest.


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