The new volcano on Jupiter's satellite Io

in Popular STEMyesterday

The new volcano on Jupiter's satellite Io


A new volcano has been discovered in Io, an active volcano in Io, the surprising thing is how quickly they emerge and the enormous size that the volcanoes acquire in Io, Io is the most volcanic object in the solar system, the findings were presented in a Europlanetary scientific congress in Berlin in Germany.

The new volcano has multiple lava flows and covers an area about 180 km long by 180 km wide, that is, about 32,400 square km, which is an area larger than Belgium, in fact, they have compared the size of that volcano with the center of Europe would occupy much of Germany with the center in Berlin.

Although it is covered by about 400 volcanoes, the images taken by NASA's Galileo mission in 1997 did not detect any volcano in that area and that volcano has been detected. In addition, each lava flow reaches about 100 km in length.


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