Preye and the Battle for the Dream Realm

Far far away in a strange land, there lived a young lady famous for her golden hair in the kingdom, her name was Preye! The golden hair of Preye was not ordinary because it gave her extraordinary powers to create sweet dreams for the children.



In the mid night, when all the kids of the kingdom were asleep, she will go to her secret chambers, sit at her popular ornate chair and weave magical thread that turns into dreams of rainbows , flying monkeys, talking unicorns and candy-filled clouds.

When she was at work, her golden hair starts glowing. The reason for this was because Preye was never alone. She’d a guiding angel behind her, seated on the same ornate chair, watching silently and feeding her with ideas on how to make the kid’s dream beautiful.

One night, when Preye was going about her normal duty as a dream weaver, the guiding angel told her to hold on for a moment and it asked her, if she’d noticed something weird about the kid’s dreams lately??

“I think something is wrong” said Preye.

“Exactly…. The kids dreams were not filled with as much excitement as it used to be back in the days and some of them have been having nightmares”. replied the guiding angel.

They both pondered for a while wondering what could be the reason, the dreams were loosing their sparkle.

“Could it be that the boogeyman had escaped from the dungeon we kept him and he’s back again to terrorize the kids with nightmares??” the guiding angel asked softly behind her..

“We better find out, right away! We can’t leave that to chance”replied Preye.

Preye stopped all she was doing, gathered all the shimmering threads of dreams that was littered everywhere in the room and with a wave of her hand, the threads formed a magical portal that leads you to the place dreams are born. She and her guiding angel went inside.


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Preye was dazzled by the site of the dream realm. It was her first time stepping inside another dimension, and she was glad she had her guiding angel there to direct her. The place was filled colorful candies, beautiful rainbow, floating castles, but something felt strange. From afar, they noticed a dark cloud been formed, creeping gradually to gain control over the dream realm.

As they approached the cloud, their biggest rival, “boogie man” was there waiting for them. He had escaped from the dungeon and he was the one responsible for the “nightmare cloud” spreading bad dreams all over the kingdom.

Preye said “Why am I not surprised, and how did you escape from the dungeon we locked you up?”

Boogieman: (he grinned wickedly) It doesn’t really matter, what matters is that I’m here now and I’m here to take over what was mine and I will fill every children’s dream in this kingdom with nightmares.

Not on our watch…. replied the guiding angel

Preye ran towards the boogeyman, with a fierce battle cry, twisting her magical dream thread to serve as both a weapon and a shield to protect her from the clutch of the dark cloud that was conjured up by the boogieman.


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The fiercer the battle became, the brighter Preye’s hair glowed. She was gaining full control of her powers. The guiding angel, was guiding her and telling her strategies to weave even stronger dream magic to defeat the boogieman.

Finally, with a wave of her hand, the dream thread wrapped around the boogieman, making it difficult to move his body. He tried all he could to wiggle his way out but it was impossible. Preye has acquired the highest level of her powers and her golden hair was blazing with light.

She banished him back to the dungeon where he came from and gradually all the night mare cloud that had a tight grip on the kid’s dreams were disappearing and smiles were coming up once again. The dream realm is finally saved. The flying monkeys, unicorns, flowers were all appearing once again.

Preye filled with joy in her heart , returned back with her guiding angel to the secret chambers. The next day, the kids of the kingdom all woke up feeling happy and excited, thanks to the beautiful dreams , Preye had woven for them.

The end

I will be inviting @bossj24, @chant and @ibeeso for the contest.

Cc : @inspiracion


Nice story filled with fantasy and the fight between good and evil, where evil has no possibilities to succeed.

Children can now dream softly again guided by beautiful images created by Preye and her angel mate.

It was nice reading your story. I liked a lot the use of markdown for the big spaces among paragraphs.


I’m glad you like the story.. i really appreciate the feedback!!

Beautiful, poetic and powerful at the same time. Read this story to your nieces when they are a little older.

Lol.. thanks ma’am !! The ones I’ve now are now grown up but maybe when I finally get married and have my own kids, I’ll read it to them… 😊😊


Apreciado @sbamsoneu, escribiste un texto genial. Sin embargo, para la tarea se pedía que escribieras un texto de 100 palabras, a partir de una breve descripción de los que veías en la obra y de lo que sentías a partir de ella.

Tienes mucho talento para la escritura de textos con intención artística. Un abrazo.

Thanks for the correction.. I will do better next time!

Estoy segura de que así será.