Get Flowers Today

in Dream Steem4 days ago

This poetry tells the story of a girl who receives flowers from her loved one, using the journey of a day from morning to night as a metaphor for the enduring and ever-evolving nature of their love. Each stanza reflects a different part of the day, highlighting the beauty and depth of emotion that the simple gift of flowers can convey. The imagery of the flowers coming to life under different lights symbolizes the different aspects of love, from its gentle beginnings to its strength and steadfastness.



I got flowers today, from loving hands, The petals are soft as a whisper from above.
Crimson, yellow, pink, beautiful blooming flowers, Each flower speaks to me silently.

Morning light through the flower petals, a gentle dance, In the color of love, in every glance.
"Forever," they say softly, In hues that brighten even the gray.

The midday sun casts shadows, long and slender, Upon my flowers, in the gleam of midday light.
They stand, as a testament to love's tender power, A beacon of warmth, in the daytime.

When dusk falls, the colors are still bright, Against the dusk, they are my light.
They whisper a love story, so real, A gift from him, a meeting of my heart.

The night's embrace finds them still shining, I got flowers today, and love does show.
In their beauty, a promise, so true, In petals and stems, our love flies.

I was inspired by the simple yet profound act of giving flowers as a sign of love. It is a universal gesture that carries so much weight and emotion. I imagined a day in the life of someone who receives such a gift, with flowers acting as a constant reminder of the presence and power of love. From the first light of dawn to the silence of the night, flowers stand as tangible evidence of the beauty of shared love. They are a reflection of the small acts that hold our relationships together, making them rich and colorful.