Form of love

in Dream Steem4 days ago

The Prophet's birthday is a special moment that is usually filled with various expressions of love, especially among Muslims, for the Prophet Muhammad SAW. One form of expression of love is through poetry about the Prophet's birthday which contains the greatness of the Prophet Muhammad.
These poems not only contain praise, but also contain deep meaning about his personality, struggle and greatness as the final prophet and apostle.


During the celebration of the Prophet's birthday, various poems or verses are often read, from poetry competitions to personal offerings as a form of love and longing for the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Each stanza describes gratitude for the birth of the Prophet Muhammad and invites people to imitate his teachings and behavior.

Suddenly I saw you coming through space with a burst of light that slowly disappeared. I heard you talking in my dreams. Slowly drowning in my imagination. I don't know what figure is present in our lives. I don't know what figure God sent down for us. I don't know what figure God sent us. The figure who very, very noble A figure so perfect that it is difficult for us to express it O Rasulullah, that is you... You guide us on every path You treat us like friends You eliminate hatred even towards opponents O Rasulullah, Fragrant in your deeds, Beautiful in your morals Valiant Your figure is like perfecting the true reflection of yourself. You are always patient with us. You are always affectionate about our misdeeds. You are always sincere in guiding us. O Messenger of Allah, I glorify all your struggles. I salute your love. I believe in your power. You have improved my behavior. You have perfected my morals. You lost everything my bad

Thank you O Messenger
In every second of my life,
I will always miss your teachings

That's enough poetry that I can read, more or less I apologize
Malay women are very beautiful,
If they smile like angels,
This poem ends,
See you another day.