Check The Greed | [ Freewrite Fun ♨️ - Day 08 ]

in Dream Steem7 days ago

Hello, Dream Steemians!

I welcome you all in this fresh new day. I hope that you all are doing well and having a good time despite the long difficulties and problems of life. We all have problems and unlike other people I have a long list of problems that provide the hardships to tackle them.

Anyway, to be able to come up with the difficulties that life has to provide to us, we can make a lot of adjustments despite having a bunch of them. in steemit, most of the time we talk about the personal life stories and our own thoughts and judgments about so many of other things.

But we dont talk that much about our problems and how we can make a solutions out of it depending on those situations. A blog should have an inclusive outlook of personal experience of handling the problems and how we came up with them from a deeper perspective.


Which is why, as I continue to authorize my editions of freewrite, I would try once a week to talk and upbring the common problems of life and how I came across finding solutions of it. Problems can be too wide ranging and by dint of it we have thousands of other options to curb them.

In today’s freewrite, I would narrate a story and which would describe some of the problems and the inner mystery of solving them out. Thanks for your kind attention to come across the way to read my piece.

Lets go down the story of today’s freewrite.

🎺💐 Avoiding The Greed Complexities 🎺💐

Everyone of here who has passed a human life, once in their way faced greed, its one of the human traits that is hard to control, as it is nipped deeper into our instincts. We can control it and minimize as we want, but for all of that we should find a way to tackle it.

Quite a few years ago, I was reading through a local newspaper and when I reviewed some of the pages, I found a long list of numbers. In a newspaper, there can be lot of random numbers and that is as obvious as for all. But, can you guess it, to which matter those numbers were affiliated ?


Ha ha. You dont need to be too worried to guess it, the assumption is too early to find out the way to which matter it truly belongs this early. Okay, let me disclose it.

Before the date, when I was slotting out the pages of the daily newspaper,I bought a ticket of a lottery and that cost me a few local currencies. Anyway, I wasnt hoping to find a few numbers matched as I scrolled down the column.

But to utter surprise, I found all of the numbers matching. It was a decent amount of money. So, I cashed out the money and then started to look after all of other lottery, some were expensive and some of other of mediocre values.

Didnt bother me much as I kept spending 1/4th of the money I got from the first winning of the lottery. Then I was too ambitious to buy other key and popular lotteries. One of which was a nationally renowned one.
In a process of buying one after the another, I lost 1/5 th of the money got from the lottery. So, what that ended up to see all of my lotteries to fail because, no numbers matched back at the time.

It was terribly frustrating, as I spent too much money,attention and anticipation of finding what that luck posited after the curtain of time.


But ended up something I didnt hope so. Anyway,when I lost and realized that after winning the first lottery, I should have kept the money and be satisfied. I wouldnt be looking for more, and if I did so, I would have been happy with it.

The realization comes off as that, we all should be tackling the greed factor, sometimes we get so blind at understanding it completely, that begets our own downfall.

Thanks for having the read. Thats all for today's freewrites and I wish this would lay a good impression on your mind. If so then opine your feeling in the comment section.

All the best. Be blessed.
