Full moon and magical creature

in Dream Steem3 days ago

Full Moon has many myths in the folklore about its effects on others. There is also some reality in those myths.

The full moon has a strong attractive force than other phases of the moon.

It's thought that the full moon brings the most out of the creatures be it the devil or saint.

Moon is thought to control water in some beliefs be it sea water or fluid inside our body.

In ancient tales, werewolves become humans on the full moon.

Magicians reach their full potential to cast spells on these nights.

On one such night, the moon was shining fully and a unicorn was wandering around the jungle late at night.


The bright light of the moon had disrupted his deep sleep.

He was watching his shadow in the pond when he heard a sigh. It was a young girl's voice panting and sighing as if she was in pain.

He was curious to know why is a girl's voice echoing in the jungle at this time.

He followed her voice and reached the other side of the pond where a girl was sitting on the ground.

He saw her from a safe distance and felt an instant attraction towards her. Only a virgin woman can influence unicorns, only they can tame them to get advantages of their horn.

Or maybe it was due to the full moon shining above their heads making her extremely beautiful.

All things aside, he still felt something else about her, an old memory, an old friend.

With a splash of light, he identified her, his childhood friend with whom he used to learn magic.

This girl would always come up there on full moon night with a book to learn magic from.


She had a thing for magic and wanted to become a witch who would teach a lesson to anyone trying to tease her.

He was a baby unicorn at that time and the girl was a baby girl too but not her mind.

They became friends and he would listen to her commands without a second thought.

She was attractive at that time too but unable to do magic. So she relied on his magic horn to test magic spells written in that book.

They spent many magical full moon nights learning magic.

Just as the moon disappears in the clouds, she stops showing up suddenly.

Since then he was alone but had the moon to accompany him.

And now after seeing her after so long and grown up, he couldn't help it and reached out to her.

The girl saw him too but his eyes were on her wounds. She must have fallen badly somewhere and got severe injuries.

Blood was flowing and it wasn't stopping. She must have low platelets he thought but it was the full moon, making her bleed more than usual.

He sat down near her, she recognized her friend too. But wasn't able to show any enthusiasm due to her pain which she never felt so intense before.

It was a full moon.

He wanted to vanish her injuries. It was possible. He was a magical creature. But it was a full moon, the only time when he was strong enough to do magic.

However, his ancestors had taught him not to do it until he was fully grown up.

Otherwise, he may not be able to do magic forever.

His mind wasn't doing the calculations, he always hated maths. He only wanted to end her pain. Without giving it any further thought, he held her injured arm and leg.

The moment he bowed and his horn touched her injuries, something magical happened, her bruises healed and blood stopped flowing.

But the light didn't disappear until a crown was made on her hair and his own horn turned white.

He knew what was that for.

The transfer of magical powers, from him to her, leaving him as white as the snow moon above the jungle.

The girl held him close, only she could tame him, but he did something for her that she never asked for.


He gave up on his powers to save her life.
He fulfilled her dream to become a witch

You could have done something else to save me than this heroic act, she said.

Yeah but not this night. It had to be this way around.

For you, a thousand times over

I am ashamed that I have become a witch on behalf of your loss.

Never mind just live your dream life to cast spells on people who annoy you.

Both laughed.

But I have bad news for you, he said.

You can only do magic on the full moon with the intention identical to mine.

Only then magic will happen.

What do you mean?

It means that you can only do magic to cure others and not to harm them and satisfy your ego.

Because I have passed down it to you and I never did magic for evil purposes.

My magic isn't for evil

In short, your dream of teaching your wicked relatives a lesson will still be a dream:p.

On hearing this, She made an annoying grant.

Happy Full Moon dearie.

All the pictures are mine created by AI

 3 days ago 

Finally we have unicorns!!!


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.