I Will Miss You

in Shine with Steem10 hours ago

A warm greetings to everyone in this wonderful Shine with Steem community. I hope you're all doing well today. I'm present for this contest titled I will miss you brought to us by @nanidi.

My dad in his youth

I must say, to lose a loved one can be so heartbreaking breaking. Some people take time to recover from it but all you have left are memories. When you scan through the memory lane, tears are all you get and sadness takes over.

The person I will miss is my loving Father. A Godfearing and the best father anyone could have ever asked for. He was everything I pray I see in a man. From the moment I realised myself at a tender age, your corrections have shaped me to become the woman I am today.

Selfie with my dad

There was a period I travelled to another state in my country, it was my first time outside my home town all alone. I remember calling you to cry that I felt so lost and I was timid also, when I called you, you asked why I was crying and when I told you the reason, your words I can't forget Babygirl stop crying, I'm your father, I will always take care of you and guide you. Those words made me stop crying.

My youthful dad and mum

The calls to check up on me, the spoiling with money and gifts and anything I asked for. Most especially your words of wisdoms and how you teach me things, you're the reason why I love calculations so much, you were such a great father.

Daddy as I fondly call you, you were a good father, the best husband my mother could ever ask for. The best father to my siblings, you made sure we were all comfortable in life and you corrected us where necessary. Ah, I can write a long epistle about you but let me end it here and it's sad to say, I WILL MISS YOU DADDY.

I would like to invite @josepha, @emmaprince and @zory23 to join this contest.

 2 hours ago 

Hola que bonitos recuerdos de tu padre, por como hablas de él se ve que fue un hombre muy especial y maravilloso, que sus recuerdos siempre te acompañen y como el mismo te dijo, no llores que siempre te va a cuidar.

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⭐Verificado en: 20-09-2024
