The Diary Game 🌠 28 August 2024 🌠 Better Life || 🥰🎞️86 Eighty-Six👩🏻‍✈️A very good anime watch indeed!🍿👀

in Steem SEA4 days ago

Good day my Fellow Steemians!


Hello there dear friends! how are you all doing? Hope all are well and are doing great and safe.. May our Gods bless and protects us and may they grant us our wish and bless us with success, love, good health, happiness, knowledge and peace.

Wednesday morning, I woke up earlier than expected. I then went on my way to prepare for our brunch. Since there are some leftovers and we have a lack of food to cook. I prepare us some stir fry vegetable and opened a canned tuna. We have a Pork siomai leftovers and so I reheated it on a microwave and also prepared some soy sauce with tomatoes, onions and kalamansi.

Brunch is served!

I placed everything on the dinning table as soon I was done preparing. I placed the plates and utensils and called everyone to eat. My younger brother is already feeling good again and healed from his fever but still has less appetite. Since everyone was still sleeping, I helped myself and eat by myself.


While having my brunch, I turned the television on and on to the Crunchyroll app and watched an anime called Delico's Nursery and the anime is about Vampires taking care of his children which is not common in their kind especially when you are a noble and a man. Unlike the protagonist Deli, he hands on taking care of his two children which his wife asked him to do whom die in the hand of his comrade. The anime is still on going and I still am not moved on to the next episode as I can't hear it from the heavy rain as it was on going as well. I stopped watching as soon as everyone was awake and I went upstairs and tried to continue watching the anime but then decided to watch different anime instead.


I decided to do some review and type some Q&A and kept it for later review. I read some handouts and reviewed for 3 hours straight. I went to rest and took a nap then and turned into two hours of sleep. When I woke up, my older brother and his girlfriend had prepared Pork Misua soup for dinner. And they cooked it on our rice cooker since we don't gas for cooking for a week now. We are in a really tight right at this time and were praying for some blessings to come to our family and may miracle happened.

A delicious dinner indeed. Warms my stomach. Yum!

After dinner, I went on my way to make a quick decision in what to watch. Hahaha I made it sounds like something important is going to happen, right? I exaggerate sometimes. I made myself comfortable as soon as I got on my bed. I prepared my laptop and opened it. I also prepared some snacks and made sure to pick a good anime. I reminded by the recommendation of my cousin and my guy friend and decided to watch the anime called 86 Eighty-Six which I already began watching in the past but only watched the pilot episode. I left all the negative expectation and just focused on the comments my friends comment about how good the anime is so I savor it and focused watching the anime from the beginning. It was good decision that I began watching this anime and it sure is not a waste of time.

SourceI love the characters, the music and animation so much. I really really do. The Soundtrack sure is good.

I highly recommend this anime so much and when I say I recommend this please do believe me. I am a person who is a very picky streamer anime and I don't just watch anime just because some says its good. Not all anime are good. Some has the same story line and are boring. Just a fun fact. It is true and so do watch this anime. I used to judge this anime and watching this anime till part two till episode 9 of the part two since I was feeling sleepy and so I decided to just continue it tomorrow. I finished watching episode 8 at 3 in the morning and I really can't anymore even if the anime is so good. I was so sleepy and all.

List of anime I watched this day.


Here are the list of the episodes I have seen that I updated on my account on MyAnimelist. If you wanted to check out some anime that I am watching and have seen you can check my account and if you also have an account please feel free to add me and I will add you as well. here is my link.

That was it for now, Hope everyone are in good health. And may we all be blessed more and more and may our world find peace and stop all war. May we all stay healthy and live a normal longer life again little by little.
Thank you and God bless us all. Thank you to this awesome human beings for making steemit worthwhile.


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