Step Off The Ledge: This Is All Great News

in Threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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We do not have particulars but there are two ways this is going to play out. Either way is great news for Steemians.

Either the union with Tron is a great deal (we have no particulars so hard to say) or we are going to test the resolve of community and the power of decentralization.

Hear this clearly: Steemit Inc does not own the blockchain nor do they have the ability to dictate what happens to it.

More details in the video

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Thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to pay you guys back in return thanks to your GREAT LESSON that led the whole community into the chaos by your so-called “good-intensions”

@taskmaster4450 the fact is that right now there is little information concerning this new deal,all we can just do is to keep our fingers crossed and watch how things unfold,but as for me i think this is a good news.....

Posted via Steemleo

@taskmaster4450 you have a unique perspective concerning the deal and that should reduce the panic going on right now,kudos to you...

Posted via Steemleo

I appreciate your perspective... at least you're taking a more balanced wait and see approach. The thing is, we don't really know anything, yet.

As far as I can tell, the only thing Justin really has is money. He has no users, he has no active use cases, his token is regarded by many as a $hitcoin.

Curious, though, that this "just happens to" come about on the same day Dan Larimer's new baby "Voice" is going full Beta...

Posted via Steemleo

I have similar opinion with you. Better wait and see, we don't know anything yet about this.

My guess is that was the dealbreaker for Ned, a chance to throw a wrench into EOSs plans

maybe that is why many people are afraid of the outcome of the deal....

Posted via Steemleo

I hope the community sticks it to @ned. End the tyranny!

Posted via Steemleo

Great video, appreciate your perspective.

Posted via Steemleo

Tron can force the issue too. They are close to Binance, so Steem will probably be replaced with the Tron token there. Steem can survive that but it will be difficult, to say the least. I hope the dapps don't go to Tron, maybe some will go to other blockchains? Tron isn't the only option for them.

We should all be calm and see what are the next steps the Tron foundation will do the STEEM ecosystem. Until then, just keep doing our own things. Upvoted!

This is incredible news. STEEM is leaping. Glad I doubled my stake during the depression.

This is the BEST most level headed response to this situation! Love this analysis