MSM- A forgotten mineral

in #health7 years ago (edited)

After almost 5 years of suffering due to severe pain in my jaws, I more or less went crazy over it. I could feel the build-up tension in every muscle of my head, face and neck. This affected my daily life, so I started to do some research about jaw issues and came along the disorder called TMJ(temporomandibular joint disorder).

Although I wasn't sure if I had this specific disorder, I wanted to know what kind of solutions were given. I found it astounding how the most obvious treatments were pain relievers, relaxants, physical therapies and even surgical options. My believe is these treatments do not solve the actual underlying problem.

Fortunately, I found a channel on youtube from a clinic located in the USA which is specialized in altenative treatments for jaw issues. They mainly talked about acupuncture and MSM. I had no idea what MSM even meant, but when I found out I was pleasantly surprised...

So what is MSM?


MSM stands for Methyl Sulfonyl Methane, which is a nonmetallic sulfur compound. It occurs widely in nature.

Sulfurs plays an essential role in human nutrition, a fact common overlooked. The body uses sulfur to continually create new healthy cells to replace the old ones. Without it, the body will produce weak disfunctional cells.

Sulfur definciences are associated with:

  • Bittle nails and hair
  • Slow wound healing
  • Gastriontestinal problems
  • Inflammatory problems
  • Scar tissue
  • Lung disfunction
  • Immune disfunction

MSM is a derivative of DMSO(dimethy-sulfoxide). DMSO is widely used to treat animals such as horses to reduce inflammation in joints and injured areas. The side effects of smell and impurities limit the widespread use of DMSO in humans.

MSM is a white, odorless crystalline material resembling sugar. It tastes slighly bitter and mixes easily in water or juice as the solubility of MSM is very high. MSM is as basic to life as water and salt. It is completely non-toxic.

What are the most common benefits of MSM?

  • It helps the hair and nails grow faster and stronger
  • Improves joint function
  • Pain reliever
  • Detoxification
  • Reduces allergy symptoms
  • It helps to fight autoimmune diseases
  • It reduces or removes muscle soreness and cramps
  • It contributes to a normal digestion

But there are some more benefits that are not widely known, for example:

  • MSM helps to fight cancer
  • It can cure diabetes type 2 and help with diabetes type 1
  • Anti- parasitic
  • Stress reliever
  • It contributes to a healthy lung function

My personal experience

I take MSM everyday for almost 3 months now and I am very satisfied with the results.

The headaches I had every morning due to my jaw problem have disappeared and the jaw muscles are not always that tight as they used to be all day long. I can't say MSM made the pain go away instantly. The relief comes gradually and goes away sometimes, but this is understandable since the problem is probably also related to mental issues.

Also, the excess stomach acid problem I had, reduced in the first week I took MSM. This is a problem I had for years and my solution was to take a table spoon of baking soda after every meal I ate. Although consuming baking soda is healthy and helped to get a relief, I am very happy the excess stomach acid is an resolved issue for me now.

When I took MSM for about a month, I noticed my body started to smell very badly. This was a weird thing for me since body odor was never an issue for me. I knew it was very likely to be a result of the MSM, since it has a strong detoxification effect and my body smelled like sulfur. Luckily, 3 months later the smell was completely gone.

Other benefits I noticed:

  • My nails are growing faster
  • My metabolism has improved
  • I feel slightly more energetic

I also did experience 2 side effects from MSM in the first 2 months.

After eating, especially in the evening, I could feel lightheaded and fatique. One time it felt so bad I had to sit down for a few minutes, but this never occurred again after the 2 months.
Also, I experienced bloating. This only happened when I drank a glass of water with MSM and it disappeared in a few minutes.




great first post......awesome share, will help many

Great to hear, thanks!

Awesome info! Spread the health message and help heal the masses. We are all for it. Welcome to Steemit. We take msm also. We have had bone & joint pain since childhood, probably from all the diary b4 becoming vegan, and it has helped tremendously!

Thank you! I love the fact that many posts on steemit are health related. We have a lot to learn. So much old knowledge is lost. Trying to find solutions together is much easier and fun. We can do it! :-)

I saw your name show up in votes of my The making of "Athena" #1

So far (and I have only been here for a few days) I have manged to "visit" everyone who has given me their attention. Hard to keep up with the sheer volume of information and so, unless I get intrigued by a conversation, I can only check a post or two... usually starting from the top.

Something about your blog felt different and since I just couldn't make up my mind, with which post I wanted to start, I decided to start at the bottom and eventually read all of them.

Glad I did and when I read this post my eyes just got bigger and bigger... happy to say, I have no serious problems, but a lot you mention is somewhat "familiar".

Have to seriously look into all this 😵

Hi @reinhard-schmid, thank you for noticing me. I love art and creative people a lot, but unfortunately I find not many people making original pieces. Maybe I'm just picky, I don't know. But your posts really stood out to me. I actually noticed your post 'My (not so) secret passion - and the invention of the LadySkates!' first and I find it such a beautiful unique painting. Maybe I sound a little too flattering, but do you sell your pieces? I guess I'm an admirer :-)

Now about this post about MSM. You don't have to be sick or have any serious health problems to consider taking this substance. If you want to read more about it in all details, I'll recommend you to read this site written by an non-profit organization.
For me, it's very importand to read articles about medicines which aren't written by people who make money on it, since making people sick is way more profitable and that is exactly what is happening to many people.

Although I said in my introduction post that I'm going to write about my travels, I will definitely post about medicines I think may help many people as well. I didn't mention it mainly because I can not predict when I come across it, since it is a long hard study.

Hey, a very good repord from you. Thank you. If you are interested in more natural resources, then follow me. I am talking about my experiences with forgotten natural remedies. Also MSM ... look into my blog ;-)
Best regards