eat almond every morning for great results.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

You must have heard of the great benefits nuts have, but did you know the benefits of eating soaked almonds every morning.

  1. Anti-Aging - by consuming almonds everyday you can get the benefits of anti-aging products since almonds contain high level of vitamin E, a strong natural antioxidant that can fight aging caused by free radicals.

  2. Removes acne - overnight soaked almonds do not only make skin soft and moist but can also prevent and reduce inflammation of acne which is caused by P-acne bacterial infection.

  3. Reduce cholesterol : soaked almonds reduces LDL (low density lipoprotein) cholesterol. study reports that eating soaked almond may elevate the level of HDL high density lipoprotein (good fats) in blood and reduce the bad fat that can cause many other diseases.

  4. lower blood pressure - By reducing cholestrol level and maintaining healthy blood vessels, soaked almond has contributed in maintain normal blood pressure and keeps your body away from hypertension. Almond contains low level of sodium and high level of potassium which can prevent the increasing of blood pressure.

  5. Prevent stroke - A stroke occurs when the blood supply to your brain is interrupted or reduced which deprives your brain with oxygen and nutrients. having soaked almond can help to reduce the risk of stroke by keeping your arteries healthy and maintaining normal blood pressure. high blood pressure and blocked arteries are the leading cause of stroke that may result in paralyzed body and disabilities.

  6. Strengthens immune system - According to a study soaked almonds may have prebiotic effect that can boost immune system.
    prebiotic is known as nutrients of non-digestible food that can improve the growth of good-bacteria in human gut. As we know that human gut or gastrointestinal tract play important role in the disease prevention and it provides 80% immunity factors.

  7. promotes healthy digestion - soaked almonds contain some amount of fibre that is good for digestive system. fiber can make the bowel move easier and make the intestine to absorb more nutrients from food. it also improve the number of good baceria in large intestines that help in the defecation process.

  8. Improves kids intelligence - known as brain tonic, soaked almonds are best for children. eating 4 to 6 pieces of almonds everyday can increase kids memory and help in build their cognitive functions.

Eat healthy and Stay healthy.Unknown.jpeg


Nice post!


OMGosh ...Thank you for this .. I am in the process of changing my food choices and have been researching Power Foods...of course NUTS are in there...I love almonds but they are so hard, I never thought about soaking them. I am grateful.

You are welcome to follow me here on Steemit and on YouTube. I make a nice amount of extra income selling Thrifted items on much I make depends on how much I work it and what cool stuff I find...I Post here and I vlog the Hauls & Solds and the journey of a Thrifty ReSeller... you don't even need money to start, you can begin by selling stuff from around your home or ask Friends & Fam to donate items .... List It, Sell it, repeat :) soaked almods are more tastier than the raw formed. Also you can drink soaked almond milk blending it in the morning and having it on a daily basis. you will see great benefits. if you are in the process of changing foods you can also see my earlier post on best fruits ever.
Eat healthy stay healthy.