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RE: Quit Smoking In One Day... Is It Real?

in #health5 years ago

I stopped smoking 15 years ago but I never quit.
I moved from a pack a day to "on weekend nights, on vacation" etc.
The most important point is to not do it in every day situations because that situation will become a trigger (coffee, waiting for the bus etc.). This is the reason I never smoke at work (colleagues are always surprised to see me with a cigarette when we're out on a team event or something) or at home (unless I have the guys over).

It's all in your head, just a habit really. Many people give up on quitting when they had a weak moment thinking one cigarette ruins it all. Good that you understood that this is not the case.

On the other hand, I might not be the ideal example as I still smoke from time to time (never more than a pack a month though, usually a lot less, certain months not even a single cigarette).
However I now view it as my free choice of enjoying the smoke (like a special meal or drink you treat yourself to) rather than an addiction where the cigarettes are forcing me to smoke them.