Grotesque market manipulation during US trading hours

in #gold3 years ago (edited)

Gold quite understandably exploded when Russia invaded Ukraine, but then look what happened when US trading hours kicked-in - even though the situation in europe is far-far from resolved:


It created a completely crazy wick on the weekly for PAXG:


I can't recall ever having seen such an obvious stunt of manipulation - ever. This is absurd! This is a clear case of blatant and highly criminal naked shorting, right in our face. But will it have any meaningful consequences for the manipulator? No. Why? Because the manipulator is a part of the system itself.

Not only this, but the DOW dropped nearly 900 points from Russia's move on Ukraine, but then gained nearly a 1000 within the same day?


Really? No, this thing was artificially kicked back up again, clearly.

Unbelievable. Just unbelievable...