SEC-S19 / W5 | Cooking methods used in the kitchen. A walk through the gastronomy of another country.


Cooking Is something that I like doing in my free time or whenever I am hungry. There are different methods of cooking these methods are sometimes based on the type of food that I want to cook because there are some kinds of foods best eaten when you fry it, whereas there are some foods that are best eaten when you dry heat the food and other when you use the moist method to prepare the food.

Make the mise en place for the recipe (show with 1 photo)


Here I got fresh tomato, pepper, onion, and some pieces of meat for the recipe. At the end of the day before using the tomato, I slice it, whereas I grind the pepper and onion together and slice some of the onion.

Explain what cooking method you are using.

I made use of combined cooking methods. This Method helps to make the meat soft for eating, which gives the stew that I prepared sweet flavors. Below is how I used the combined cooking method and prepared stew.

1000128355.jpg Before cooking1000128359.jpgAfter cooking
  • I begin with the meat, which I wash and put inside the cooking pot, slice onion into it, and add spices then allow the meat to cook and get soft. After 15 to 20 minutes of cooking the meat till soft, I then removed it from the pot and keep aside.
  • For stewing the tomato I slice it and keep aside, grind pepper and some onion and keep aside. After preparing the ingredients, I put a pot on the fire and allowed the water inside to dry before I then put in some quantity of groundnut oil and allowed it to heat.
  • After the oil has heated for about 2 minutes, I then put in a slice of onion and fry before adding the slice of tomato. I fried the fresh tomato and stirred it steadily before I added a sachet of tomato and other ingredients and stirred.


Why did you choose that dish? What motivated you to make this recipe?

I chose this dish stew because it is the dish that is best prepared using combined cooking methods. And besides I love eating stew rice, stew with bread or yam which is the reason why I choose stew.


I have been craving to eat rice and stew which is the reason why I was motivated to make stew. Is up to a week now that I haven't eaten stew rice which is the reason I prepared this recipe. Also, the thick stew that I saw online motivated me to make this recipe.

Did you like the result obtained?

Yes, I like the result obtained while using the combined cooking methods to make the stew. At the of cooking the stew, I obtained the following results which are: thickness, sweat aroma (flavors), softness of the meat. In all the stew tastes sweet and nice.

I am inviting: @pelon53, @dove11, @simonnwigwe, @Ihorgic, and @ruthjoe



Your meal looks inviting, can I come have a feel, lol 😜. Well I always know you be be a chef, you seem to know your onion when it comes to cooking...

Now am thinking about how to honour your invite into the challenge. Anyways, I will try and put up something local and African...winks...

I wish you the very best bro.

I know you can do it even better than I have done. I can't wait to read yours. Thanks for visiting.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.