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RE: Designing Cards For Charity! Seasons Greetings ~ Inspired By A Handmade Card

in #fundraiser6 years ago

I like the MIL's one better. (The new one would just make my dad think of hunting)

This is such a neat idea making your own cards, and for a good cause.

I have made them before for the church's shut-in members. It is so much fun! And two or three of them we were able to hand deliver!! :-D


Good catch! Yes, my dad and I love hunting. He doesn't get to much anymore because the weather is usually to harsh for his health. But he would love this card!


Ha! I should add that at the bottom ... “Happy Hunting!” I bet some people I know would go for that 😂

Thanks so much for your encouragement!

I know cards are kinda going out of style, but they can mean a lot to the recipient. That’s a great idea to make them for shut ins! I’m sure they really appreciated it!

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