My gym session was good despite me feeling tired today.

in #fitness4 years ago


Today I did the following:

Overhead press with fat grips (27 reps in 5 minutes) @ 37kg
Dips (17 reps in 2 minutes)
Box Squat of pins (5x6 in 5 minutes) @ 55kg
Romanian deadlift 2x10 @ 35kg
Inverted rows (66 reps in 10 minutes)
Barbell curls with slight momentum (27 reps @35kg within 5 min)
Athlean X 22 Day ab workout.

What else can I say. I am trying to lift weights full body 3 times a week while making sure I don't go overboard by doing too much volume in 1 session. That makes me feel too fatigued. This is why I have time restrictions now a days as it prevents me doing too much volume. I always keep in mind that I do not need too much intensity as in the past I have made the mistake of pushing too hard.

The key is to stimulate muscle growth not destroy it.