in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

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Following the order given by Lola, the police officer drove to the suspect house without questioning, it was easy for them to locate the building with the assistance of the victims mother.

"Officer, we are right in front of her house, get in and arrest her, in fact let me follow you." she said

"madam, we are sorry you wont be able to follow us, that is why we brought two cars along, we cant allow you to harm the suspect." he said

"What do you mean, I brought you here." she said angrily.

"I am sorry madam, I am only doing my Job and this is also in your own interest." he replied

"you these Nigerian police at times....... do your Job oh." she replied

"Listen up officers, you have to return Mrs Adejoke to the office, I along with the other officers would invite Janet to the station for questioning." he ordered.

The order was carried out effectively, as they car that brought madam Joke turned back while the other officers left to the building. The apartment entrance door was knocked as a beautiful tendered voice replied....

" I am coming." she replied

She opened the door for the officers, Janet is a fair skinned lady, she is in her late twenties, she is a successful accountant working with a very big company in Lekki. she is about six feet tall, very slim and of average body size.

"Good eveing, please what can I do for you?" she asked

Good evening madam, are you by any chance Miss Janet?" Asked the officer

"Yes, I am but you have not answered my question." she replied

"We are from the homicide unit from the police department, I am inspector Kola (brought out his I.d card) and we need your attention." he answered

"police officers (confused) you need my attention? What have I done and what is going on?" she asked

"you dont have to worry madam, we just have a few questions to ask you, we shall let you go later in the evening, concerning what is going on, you would get to know when you get to our station." he replied

"Alright, I will cooperate with you and please can I pick up my bag and change my cloths?" she asked

" sure but please make it very fast." He replied.



Janet was in the questioning room looking confused and wanting to find out what is really going on, not quite long inspector Lola came in.

"hello miss Janet, good evening." Lola greeted

"What is so good about the evening? That some police officer came to my house telling me my attention is needed, you obstruct my plans and work for tomorrow." she replied

"The police department apologies for any form of disruption we must have caused you (she sits). Janet Okora, born August 18th 1985 at federal medical center Owerri, Father late, mother living in Owerri, you relocated to Lagos after your National Youth Service Corps in the year 2000. Your life as really been a struggle until 2003 when you got your job as the accountant of Diamond consultancy on April 15. You met Stanley in a friends party in year 2008 and you guys started your love Story in year 2009." Lola narrated

"(surprised) You just told me my life story in five lines, please what is going on? She asked

"When last did you hear from Stanley your boy friend?"

"Stanley is just a jerk, we broke up two months ago, he was cheating." she replied

"was that the reason you killed him?" Lola aked

"Kill... (shocked) wait a minute.... What happened to my Stanley?" she asked

"Did you just say my Stanley? You just called him a jerk few seconds ago." she said

"what is wrong with Stanley, (crying) I don't mean it, I love stanley with all my life, he means everything to my life, though we had a misunderstanding but i don't have the intention of leaving him talk more of killing him." she replied

"You mean you were not with Stanley yesterday night?" lola asked

"yes, I was all alone at home, I caught Stanley sleeping with lady and I left without a word, he kept calling but I refused to answer, I cant kill him, Why would I?" she replied

"It is alright, Stanley was stabbed to death, he was tortured and severely dealt with." Lola replied

"No..... who did this? Please can I see him?" she asked

"sorry, you cant see him at the moment, we received a phone call from a lady saying I just killed my boy friend. This made you our first suspect but if you can prove to us that you were at home on Valentines day, then you have noting to worry." said Lola

"This cant be true, (crying) I have a CCTV installed in my room, I slept off in my sitting room all night." she replied

"I will ask my officers to go inspect your house and confirm what you have said but do you know anyone who had a had a deal with Stanley?" Lola asked

"I don't Know (crying) I remember, a lady called Amaka, Stanley was sleeping with her when she found out about our relationship three months ago, she swears to stab Stanley to death any day they crossed path." she replied

"Oh really, but why would she want to kill Stanley?" Lola asked

"It is a long Story, Amaka was Stanley's girl friend before we met, she had a serious of abortion for him, not until the last one she did and she lost her womb, Stanley ended the relationship leaving the lady grieved and embittered. She swore with a bible that night that she would one day kill I and Stanley." she replied

"This is getting interesting, how do we find Amaka? asked Lola

"I dont know but Gabriel should know, she created the scene in a club, it was him who walked her out." she replied

"Thank you very much for your cooperation, i will instruct my officers to drop you home and check your CCTV and we need would need you here tomorrow so that we can look for Gabriel." she said

"I will do the best I can do to cooperate with this investigation." She replied

"Thank you but you need to stop crying." lola advised.

Could Debby really be Amaka?
what was the relationship between them?
what would happen to Amaka?

you can drop your guess and predictions as a comment