Theater Of Dreams ---- Part 2

in #fiction7 years ago (edited)

I believe you can easily imagine the rest.

She sneered at him. “By the way, I’m not little,” she challenged.

He tried to get up fast and follow her inside, but she was faster than him and entered the room, locking the door behind her. Robert knocked at

the door angrily.

“Open that door!” he yelled.

“Force me,” she scoffed.

“OPEN THAT DOOR!” he roared. I did my best to make him notice that Aunt Marie has just entered the hall, but I failed.

“You… do really need… the bathroom, don’t you?” she mumbled, completely surprised and shocked because of his loud yell and strong angry

knocking. He turned to her and kept staring, unable to find an explanation for his act.

“There is another one upstairs, Ana will lead you.”

The little girl who was standing near Aunt Marie, who I was completely sure from the beginning that the angry Robert won’t even notice her

presence, squinted and scowled at the lady. Aunt Marie ignored the girl’s anger and gave her a kind look.

“Yes, she will show you the way up, right Ana?” She murmured calmly.

Ana sighed, with exasperation.

“Fine,” she groaned.

She glanced at Robert, putting the grim expression on her face. “This way,” she hissed.

Robert stood still, watching her walking towards the stairs.

She turned around after noticing that he wasn’t following.

“Hello?” she sneered.

Robert stared for a moment at her strong eyes, and then finally began to move the moment her grimaced face forced him to do so. She turned

around again and started to walk as soon as she noticed he became close enough to her to be able to keep track with her speed. They both

started to climb the stairs, and so did I.


Silence… silence… silence… and silence. I wish I was alive, and then I wish I was able to talk so I would break the never-ending silence. They

kept climbing the stairs without even looking at each others. How boring!

(Who is this girl? And why does she hate me that much? Maybe she is my sister? No idiot, she doesn’t even look like you. So what? It isn’t a

rule that brothers and sisters look exactly like each others. What the hell am I doing? The girl is here next to me, I can easily ask her! Uh…

finally you used your useless brain… idiot. You know something? You really should stoop calling me idiot. Yep… sure idiot.)

Finally, when they were about to reach the upper floor, Robert spoke.

“So… You are Ana?”


“And you are my….?” He wondered, hesitantly.

“What do you mean?” The grim expression on her face didn’t ease.

“I mean… we are relatives, aren’t we?”

“How smart,” She scoffed with a low voice, shaking her head.

(Wow! She really hates me! Ok little girl, another enemy then. Regardless, I need to try again. I need to know who she is.)

After some moments of silence, Robert was the one to break it again.

“I mean… what is our family relation?”

She reached the upper floor before he does, stopped and turned around to face him. He was just behind her, with three stairs separating them;

this made their faces almost at the same level. She sneered at him.

“If you have stayed and respected those who gathered especially to welcome you, you would have known our family relation,” she growled

slowly with a calm voice, giving every word the space it deserves.

Robert pulled his eyebrows together in surprise.

(What the hell was that? I need to defend myself!)

“I needed to go to the bathroom,” he mumbled, lying, this was clear.

“You went chasing her; I saw what happened!” she growled with louder voice, blaming him.

“Great! Then you saw what she did to me?”

She replied instantly. “She was kidding!” She exclaimed. “And in this house, we don’t kill people for kidding with each others,” she explained.

Robert’s anger eased a little.

He sighed.

(She is kinda right. I shouldn’t have done this. Don’t! Don’t! Don’t even think about apologizing! Do you hear me! DON’T!)

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… I just…” he mumbled.

(Oh-boy! You have just apologized idiot! I can’t believe this! How stupid and embarrassing!)

Ana put her small hand on his shoulder. This made him shudder and glance surprisingly at the hand. He looked back at her eyes to find the

angry face vanished and replaced by a full-of-tenderness one. She draw a small smile on her lips and talked, kindly.

“It’s ok. I know how you feel. You will need some time to get to this new life. And till this happens, I want you to know that I’ll always be on your

side, and I’ll help you through all of this.”

Robert was frozen on his place by her tender words. His eyes bulged while staring at her, unbelieving what he has just heard. Her words made

him feel safe… And how would I know that? Simply because they made me feel safe, and I’m a dead bird! You can then easily imagine their effect

on someone who has been alone since his born.

(Wow! What a girl! I wish she is my little sister; this really would be great. Ok, I shall move her name now from the foes list to the friends list.)

Oh! Oh my God! I can’t believe I did this! I can’t believe I didn’t describe her for you yet! Ok… let me see… She is about nine years old, maybe

ten. Average height and weight; same as most of the girls at her age. She has a light skin tone, dark brown below-shoulder pulled-pack ponytail

hair, and brown eyes. Yes, I know this sounds like another ordinary little girl, and I can’t argue about that. There is no specific thing in this girl that is

unique or incomparable with the other girls. But the whole package is really unique and incomparable, especially when she speaks. The girl was

wearing some jeans and a short-sleeves rose shirt. See? Nothing special, but the girl really made them look special.

She spoke again and saved both of us from sinking on our thoughts.

“Let’s keep going.”

Robert nodded once. She turned around and started walking down the hall. They bypassed some doors before she stopped in front of a certain


“This your room.”

She looked at the far end of the hall. “And this door there is the bathroom.” She paused. Robert turned and looked at the door. She went on,

“Some rooms in the house have their own bathrooms… But sorry, yours doesn’t.”

“It’s ok.” He nodded.

“Ok then, go take a shower, rest for a while, and then let me know when you intend to unpack your luggage. It is a hard task… you know… I may

be a good help to you. But before all of this, make sure to come down after a couple of minutes to meet the rest of the family. It’s inappropriate to

leave them waiting, ok?”

Robert nodded automatically. Ana smiled. She turned around and walked away. Robert kept following her with his eyes, and so did I. Suddenly,

she stopped and faced him again.

“And by the way, I’m your cousin. Your Aunt Marie is actually my mom.”

(No! She is not my sister!)

He sighed and tried to remove the annoyed expression from his face.

(Calm down… She is your cousin and your friend as well, and this is actually good. You know something? This is actually great! And she is

absolutely more than all what you’ve ever wished for.)

Again she talked.

“And the girl you were chasing… Alice… she is your sister.”

Oh my god! My poor friend!

(No! No, no, no, no… She is absolutely kidding! She can’t be my sister! We… we… we don’t even look like each others! Hey idiot, you’ve

just proved earlier that brothers and sisters don’t have to look exactly like each others. I told you to stop calling me IDIOT! Believe me, I tried,

but you are not helping actually.)

“Ok… see you later then.” She said, after losing hope of him uttering a word. She turned around, and headed towards the stairs, leaving the

poor guy standing desperate and lost near the door of his room. I knew what he was going to do; he will stay like this for a while, go to bathroom,

and then go downstairs. See? Nothing interesting. Therefore, I decided to leave him and follow her.

Stay Tuned For The Next Part.....

picture source: pixabay

Part 1 ----------------  link



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But the whole package is really unique and incomparable, especially when she speaks. The girl was wearing some jeans and a short-sleeves rose shirt. See? Nothing special, but the girl really made them look special.

Yes. I know that kind of girls. So special they make everything look special on them. :)

I am loving this. Thank you for sharing. I left something for you on the chat.

am glad you love it.