Speaking my STEEM mind on my birthday.

in #exyle5 years ago (edited)


It's my birthday, I should have made an APPICS, but this blockchain is always on my mind 24/7.

Everyone that relies on the reward pool for their income or business model will simply have to wait for the STEEM price to go up until the projects that don't rely on the reward pool add enough value to the Steem network to make that happen.

There I said it.

Changing the reward model 25/75, 50/50 or an upside down n^2 with a 90° turn at the halfway split, it doesn't matter.

STEEM will just end up in different hands. The reward pool will spit it out according to a new set of rules and the people that know how to get it will get it.

It's that basic. It's never been different.

Personally, I think changing it is a terrible idea, There are no set proven benefits, yet you going to fiddle with Economics, businesses have built upon for the last 2 years.

It's a huge risk with possible side effect you can't see yet.

From my point of view, an author/content creator on Steem is no different than a business.

Back in 2016/2017 content creators were the only businesses here and they all wanted a piece of the reward pool.

It was the business model back then. But considering most authors had no stake they relied on whales and their upvotes.

Some got loads. And what did most do with their earned STEEM? Most sold it. Not once thinking about using their stake to propel their own author business in the future. No, sell it and give me more.

And who was supposed to buy that STEEM? You got it, the same people that upvoted them.

(Well, and me...I realized fairly early on I was never going to make it as a content creator unless I would build up my stake. I'm terrible at politics and I like to have control over my actions, hence I needed Steempower.)

But luckily as Steem is a very fast moving Ecosystem, this thought process is now changed to something way better.

Much to the dismay of some content creators btw. (You can find epic gems on this blockchain, where people say they used to make $10000 for their blog posts and now they only make $300, and Steem is therefore now shit).

Steem Monsters (Splinterlands) is by far my favorite project showcasing the power of Steem without relying on the reward pool.

They are using Steem for the awesome properties the blockchain has. And instead of using the reward pool to fund everything, they do the opposite.

They make sure that not only Steemians but also TRONians (if that what they are called) now and soon many other communities use the Steem Blockchain and the one account system and start spending money into the ecosystem. And on top of that, they use their SP to reward their community members, instead of paying themselves with it.

Other Applications also starting to understand that relying on the reward pool as a business model is not the way.

Here are some more examples. (They don't generate income from users by selling products but at least use their users to generate some income outside of the reward pool.)

Steemit.com - income from adds
Partiko - income from adds while rewarding users with their Partiko point system.
Steemhunt- Using the Steem Blockchain to add value to their HUNT token

I'm in huge favor of businesses standing on their own feet and using Steem to propel their business, by using this blockchain for all the awesome properties it has but also as a rewarding tool to reward their members.

If you are a single author on Steem today, that is what you are up against. Times have changed.

It doesn't mean Steem is shit, it doesn't mean Steem is unfair, it means that making it on Steem is very hard and requires a lot of building, time and effort.

Nobody is going to do THAT for you. So get to it.

I'm convinced there is not a bigger opportunity on the internet today than these beginning years of the Steem Blockchain.

Don't let it slip through your hands.


I believe SMT's or other tokens is what will be used to reward content creators in the future. @Steemhunt is doing it, and it works. Go check it out. Also, read the bombshell @aggroed dropped yesterday with SCOT here. Now that is forward thinking.

I am part of witness @blockbrothers.

Please consider us for your witness vote if you think we deserve it here:

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We are the creators of Steemify a notification app for your Steemit account for iOS.

Get it Here:


Happy birthday!

Earning from the reward pool is just going to get harder and harder. Since I’m basically just a blogger here who’s unlikely to ever build an app, in the long haul most of the upvoting I’m going to get will be from #steembasicincome or similar services. Much of my own stake will be searching for higher returns from #steemhunt, #ocdb, etc.

Happy birthday!

I am fairly happy with rewards as they are. Of course those with loads of SP would like a bigger share for curators, but it would mean less rewards for the majority. We need a mix of creators and investors to make Steem flourish. We need to encourage the newbies so that they do not give up as so many have. Good content needs to be rewarded and not just the 'usual suspects'.

It's a very simple system.

Accumulate as much steem power as possible.

In a couple of years no one will know about percentage, circle jerking, downvoting, etc.

If steem survive, of course.

Oh, and happy birthday.

Keep preaching, my friend.

Accumulate as much steem power as possible.


Some people understand this but I'm still surprised how low that number is.

At 20 cents steem I even skipped an oil change on my car. I mean, I really did.

Thank you, man! And I agree, in years from now, most likely nobody will care like no one cares who holds bitcoins and how they got it, today. Steem will survive, there is no doubt in my mind.

-I'm convinced there is not a bigger opportunity on the internet today than these beginning years of the Steem Blockchain.

I really like this statement at the bottom of this page.

Posted using Partiko Android

Totally agreed! Steemmonsters one of my favourite projects in the blockchain by far, and it's great to have joined in the very beginning, and seeing the amazing evolution. Actifit is also top of my list too; and they're giving a ton back to the community too!

Posted using Partiko Android

Happy birthday Mark!

people say they used to make $10000 for their blog posts and now they only make $300

Tens of thousands of dollars worth of Steem back then would have been a great amount of SP today. Instant gratification kills forward thinking.

yeah, here here! Keep STEEMing on, everybody! And happy birthday to @exyle whale.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Happy birthday @exyle hope you have a good one! 🎂

happy birth day exyle.

Happy Birthday sir. You shall celebrate many more birthdays in good health of mind and body.

Posted using Partiko Android

I hope so :) And thanks!