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RE: Humanity Is Deciding If It Will Evolve Or Die

Love this post. A really great tool in book form for this kind of transformation is "Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy" by Sadhguru. I've listened to it twice now, and it is really a great guide.

One of the major points the book drives home is that we are responsible for everything in our lives, in our communities, in the world, in the cosmos. Responsibility doesn't necessitate an action to respond, it only demands awareness and consciousness. It's saying that responsibility means conscious awareness of ourselves and our surroundings. To be irresponsible is to deny reality or to choose unconsciousness.

They use the example of being on a busy street corner and seeing someone dying. To be irresponsible would be to pretend as though we didn't see them, and carry on with our personal tasks. Responsible actions would be to call emergency assistance, tend to them ourselves if we're a doctor, or if they are already being attended to at least we have empathy in our hearts for noticing them and wishing them healing.

How much of our lives do we pass through pretending not to see?