SEC-S20W1 | Business Ideas | Teaching Center

in #dtt-sc20w112 days ago


I hope that I am doing well and Alhamdulillah , I am in good health. I am completely ready to participate in this course and I will do my homework thoroughly and I have to complete my assignment and now for me it is like an assignment in which I will give you four assignments and go without wasting time. We go to our assignment work


Question # 1- Are you planning to start a business or already in business?

The opinion that we should start a business that is not only based on our skills but also one that we can use to increase our sales because we have done business. In addition to only interest, we should also see what trend is going on and whether it will be able to work for us for the next few years or not. Let's take it, which seems to be a trend for the time being, but we see its marketing very low in the next few years, so we should not do this kind of business.

I want to build amazing center in future where I can teach many things like stitching , parlor, crafting, computer Course where many girls who really want to do in her lives can do easily


Yes, of course, I will definitely start my own business in my start core, but I have already started working on it. I am going to start this dream of mine for a long time and I will definitely start it with my own business soon inshallah. I have to do it and I want to start my own business and be independent, so I am still independent because I have done a lot of work and I will collect all these works in one place and do it with my own business. We will get this complete business set up in which we can make it look like it is run by a business.

I work in now but when I start the business I will have many people with me and under me. The workers will do the work to whom I will give salaries and by starting my own business I want to prove myself by being that independent girl whom no one understood and we all thought that nothing would come of it but I Not only completed my studies, but after completing my studies.

I tried to participate in small works which are not given importance in the village and we do not want to know these works as business, so I I thought that all the tasks whose value is limited to the home, the importance of which can be completed at home, I took these tasks to a big business. I will prove the work so that those girls who do not put this work to good use, they will know how we people have to present our skills and our talent as a business in front of everyone. I will do it


Let me tell you that I can't call it a business as we have already done because I have only skills that I want to learn instead of earning. But more than that, I have learned a lot because when a person learns, he should not care whether I can make him money for now, but we should think about how we can make him a business. How to start and how to present my skills as a business, so now I am focusing on my skills and by improving my small skills I will earn money and then a big business. I will start

Question #2- Keeping in mind that you can start your business alone or on a partnership basis, what is your idea of your business model?

I want to start my own business because I am learning my skills and earning something through my skills. They don't do it at all, but they want me to stop this work, and secondly, those people who seem to be not with me from their hearts are on the day that I start this work and talk only. Jealousy does not allow a person to be of any use and for this reason I cannot know whether those with whom I will start my business are sincere with me or not, so I want to start my business alone. Once my business is started, then I can add a partner with me to develop my business, but a partner will be a partner who has a lot of skills and a method of how to use those skills.

Business AlonePartenership

The important thing is that if there are two partners to start a business then it is very important that both of them are sincere then I will find a person who is very sincere with me So that if he cheated me in business, he could not grab my business with deception. And the second thing is that if I have selected my partner, then I will select the general partner who will have the authority only to the extent that he will control all my other managements

And we will control the rest of the assets. And in addition, he will actually respond and consider his own business as his business and not think that it is my business, so he just has to work for his own profit, but he should work for the profit of the overall business. So I will select such a partner

Difference between Sole proprietorship & Partner Business:

But at the same time, there are differences that we would like to talk about that can often happen in business. has unlimited liability whereas partners have joint liabilities the sole proprietor has complete control whereas a partnership has decision making responsibility we share sole proprietorship is easy to establish and dissolve whereas partnership is more complicated

  • Sole proprietorship:

A sole proprietorship and a partnership are two common forms of business ownership, one of which is a sole proprietorship, owned and operated by a single person, bearing all risks and rewards, and establishing no legal distinction between personal and business assets and dissolution. The owner has full control and decision-making authority to make unlimited personal liability for business debts


  • Partner busniess

Let's now talk about Partnership Business Ownership by two or more people Shared Risks Rewards and Decision Making Responsibilities Partners can contribute different skills, expertise and resources to set up and dissolve as compared to sole proprietorships. Most remaining partners have joint and several responsibilities for doing business, either as a general partnership or as a limited partnership.

Question # 3- Keeping in mind partnership businesses have both advantages and disadvantages, what is your idea of your business model?

Can distribute the workload based on the strengths and skills of outside parties, reducing the burden on a single individual.

  • Diverse skill sets:
    Partners often bring my skills to the table. For example, if one may be good in sales while another is better in finance, we can improve management, which is the overall strength of the business.
  • Shared financial burden:

Start-up costs are financial investments and liabilities are shared between partners, reducing risk for each individual.

  • More resources and connections:

More than two people often means more capital and access to a larger cell network that can accelerate growth.

  • Emotional and professional support:

Having a partner can provide a sounding board for motivational support and ideas, making the business journey less isolating.


  • Shared profit:
    Profits need to be split between the partners so you don't need to keep all the brothers earnings
  • Potential for conflict:
    Disagreements over business decisions or direction of the company may arise, potentially leading to loss of partnership or business
  • Shared liability:
    Each partner is legally responsible for the business. If one partner makes a mistake or the business suffers financial difficulties, all partners can be held liable.
  • Dependency on partener:
    If one partner is weak, unable to pull their weight or unreliable, it can hurt the whole business and lead to frustration.
  • Complex decision making:
    Decision making may take longer because you need to consult and agree with your partner. This business process can slow down forgiveness here.
Question # 4- You are in a business now and doing well; let's know what your plans are and what efforts you are making to expand your business for the long term. Will you do it on your own or hire professionals?

As much as I want to grow my business and I have planned it and I am working hard for it, I think that in the next five years my business will go very far. I am going to open my center that I want to open, we will open it and I want to tell you that in the next five years I see myself at that stage of development and I I see that those people who are thinking that I will not be able to do anything, they have agreed with me that a girl can also run a business.

There is no doubt about it. The girl who wants to do business but we don't have enough courage and motivation in her, we will do it every girl in business and in next five years I will be running my own business and will be at a very good growth point. And God willing, through my hard work, my dedication, and my prayers, I will have achieved the position that I have achieved the position that I want to achieve.

  • Expanding into new markets:

Reaching new geographic locations whether domestically or internationally opens up opportunities for new recruits and increases sales I will conduct market research to identify untapped areas or demographics that are a target for my business I would consider expanding an additional or inline presence to cater to these markets

  • Investing in technology and digital marketing:

I will do this on my own in the commerce platform and improve the user experience on my website using data analytics for customer insights and optimizing digital marketing strategies social media email marketing etc. Will adopt to reach more audience

  • Building a strong brand identity:

I will focus on ongoing branding storytelling and customer engagement to strengthen the business identity and this may include collaboration with Civic Owners to develop a unique in-store experience and clear brand mission.

  • Building a loyal customer base:

I will invest in customer retention programs to leverage long-term relationships such as loyalty rewards, personalized offers and excellent customer service


Special thanks to @aviral123 , @dove11

Invite Friends @wakeupkitty , @sur-riti , @patjewell

Regards: @arinaz08


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Awh!!! You want to empower women through your proposed business! Well done! I admire you for seeing the need in others and then building on it.
There are so many women that can only benefit from learning skills through which they can benefit financially.
I wish you all the best!

Thank you for the invitation.
I have dropped my entry.