This letter is as an objection to the coronation of charles and lays immediate claim to the Sceptre of Power

in #darkcaballast year (edited)

For the immediate recognition of the Crown Corporation and heads of state and written primarily for my witnesses in eternity. This letter was registered in defiance of the coronation of charles and is a legal document declaring the coronation null and void, it is my wish to empower those within the power establishment to stop the heinous plot in our midst and throw out these pretenders. I hereby claim the sceptre of power and can prove that it is my right to claim.


Here is some music, for the ride....


To whomever this may concern,

Though i have been almost entirely erased to the human collective many in reciept of this letter already know that I write to you with the biblically and miraculously ordained authority given by the 1 Almighty God . Those arriving to this text who are just joining this long story are here to bear witness. Welcome. Please read this text and share it. I am in extreme danger now for taking these steps to write this and will probably die now. If i show up somewhere dead with black goo coming out of my face or disappear entirely, Ciao Bella.

I write to you now to tell you that Almighty 1 True God, Living Word manifest as all being forbids that this man be made king. This letter is a legal document. Let it be registered so that all good men and women caught in the snares of the devil will be be safe from the snare of the 1 Almighty God which is set and from which no wrong doing escapes.

I write to those now in this snare, the men and women fooled into the service of these devils, set to kill all of us and enslave the remainder of humanity forever. I stand here for you. Let us put aside those who are consciously building this dark web of enslavement and speak to those kept in the dark who are unknowing building component's of a machine to enslave all of us.

Though the True magnitude of the nefarious agenda coming against us is yet to be obvious, many people of the world are now conscious enough to see these components of the machine being built around us. It is becoming too late to stop them. God has empowered me to do so. And so I must.

Many of us are waking up, our fire triggered and caught up behind some false construct fighting in some agenda of distraction against others trapped in similar false constructs, near all but the rest of humanity are sleeping set to be triggered into constructs designed to cancel out any possibility of true liberation. We need to break this spell.

Most who are awake now are just joining this fight. Many of you fight without fear in the certain knowing Almighty God has willed this Others hear these words and are afraid. My whole life has been spiritual warfare. 35 years and more. And yet i am a nobody, systematically censored to near everyone on earth trying to red pill the world, all the time under attack. why? Now many hundreds of millions of people are witnessing the truth and near all are seeking. What drives us. There is a diabolical agenda against the children of humanity and we must stop them.

Why is it important to the adversary that I am denied to this generation. We are the generation who is awake, maybe the only generation who ever will be following imminent and complete control of information. Now the danger is real for all of us and we stand here fearless because God has willed it!

Almight God raised us. We need each other. I fear you will not find me by the time you realise you need me. With no choice, It is time that I give you some pieces of the puzzle that are missing from this story. They are missing because the most evil thing in the universe at its most powerful went to great lengths to hide them from you.

Please believe me when I say that there is a very real and present danger for me telling you this, the reason they have hidden these things because there is a very real and present danger for the adversary, it does not want you to know how much more powerful than them you are. If you all unite in truth with God as the fullness of your being they cannot win because their entire construct is false, built to control and harness our energy.

I have no reason to make this stand other than it is the unavoidable life mission that God has given me. My very reason for being. That is why you are programmed to divide against me, as I am the key to stopping them. To throwing them out forever. We must not divide. As ridiculous as it may seem you need to give me the benefit of the doubt. Stand unified in truth and let Almighty God transform this and throw out these monsters.

Even now there is a vast divide which threatens to displace them just as there was before world war 2, world war 1 and the bolshevik revolution which at the centre all had high profile court cases about ritual human sacrifice leading up to a grand conflict that erased the truth of this multi millenia investigation. Its near all but been erased.

How far back does it go, the first Christian church in jerusalem was built on the temple of venus. Go figure. The church of cybil meets the roma empire meets the the necromancers of india going back millenia from #thatthing being given time technology. Targeting the pillars of our defences by adding, removing and dhanging events. The same thing is happening right infront of us because the updates are present in the world around us, though invisible to near everyone trapped in the constructs built to control us. Set to go divide us as soon as anyone talks about This Elephant. Satanic Cultists at the heart of the military industrial complex changing the timeline with technology given to them by demons.

These constructs have updated just like this one, visible to the dead, here standing the awake from forever, both living and dead fighting in the shadows trying to save us from interdimensional raiders, trying to seize the day themselves, as is recorded in scripture of many religions and now almost invisible in the world all around us.

This war that has waged forever has been upgraded, we must upgrade our response. That is why I manifested to confirm the prophesies of these works and to conclude the mission of the Fathers Prayer. And why this thing has been around me since I was a child.

The adversary has built these false constructs in the midst of all of us which place evil magi in the heart of the temple, making gods own temple an abomination used to co trol all of us, they have hijacked the timeline using time dilation technology given to them by demons, who are the souls of nephalim and their offspring that were trapped here. Now they are trying to open a portal to bring others here.

This event itself quite incredible though its Agenda, though revealed In the doctrine of the cultist is defilement of the flesh, is certainly more nefarious than a pedo necro hang out who buggers children and hunts them with dogs being made king (on video) while the stated diabolical agenda is to kill many, to sacrifice us upon the altar of the world for him and his original nephaIim and demon possessed friends working to open a hell portal. They need our hands for this diabolical agenda. Your hands. And so does Almighty God need your hands to stop them.

This diabolical alliance contols us from behind false constructs existing only in word of what our calling, our divine inspiration brings us to act on. Controlling all from behind a pillar and post trick of Flags placed for good in the past by us but which the demonical alliance had turned false and also from behind flags that they placed, in some cases placed with time manipulation technology in advance of flags we had originally placed either way to hijack the whole organisation. Our organisation. Our energy that was manifest on the timeline through the original inspiration now harnessed behind a false leader giving peacemeal to us, his enemies.

So it is the timeline is updated and someone else stands there in our place and we are outside as they steal all of the energy we put into the construct, targeting first the individuals whho can see. This trick relies on us not being collectively aware in life of that which is revealed in death, so the responsibility, the guilt, the wrathful need for justice, to save, sends us back into the construct unknowing thus perpetuating the story.

As God needs us, so does the adversary need our hands to maintain and upgrade the false constructs so it is that they keep you in unknowing. Otherwise it is effortless to see their effort and they are cancelled out in an instant. Does this make you free? Not yet. We must allow God to build a construct to stop the foothold position of the adversary returning as in the passing of time we forget.

This has always been my life mission, has always been the mission of the fathers prayer, the tireless mission of many who died, Not for reward, but out of concern. Often through great suffering and grave threat.

It has always been that collectively we all unconsciously build and maintain this web for the adversary, a web of confounded language designed to trap all of us. We are too many to wake up similtaneously. Those who do wake up within a scripted false construct surrounded by and picked off in the shadows.

Maybe the truth is pandoras box and its us repeatedly finding out what they have been doing to the children since time immemorial. This cult they kept secret celebrating that they have bullshitted us for millenia.

Can we ever break the spell. To stop the war, though I speak not of the Final Battle which must be fought against the liars who have been leading us through this millenia indulging themselves when the one and only True battle that comes is when we take back the initiative after many millenia.

Regardless of what war lays ahead we face components of a web of lies built so that if we wake up we are the target of others trapped in the construct, the knowing fighting the unknowing, time and time again using our own hands against us while they have invisibly operated amongst us invisible keeping our power a secret from us because they know as soon as we can see them they can no longer operate, except through this iron web of control now being upgraded because this day they fear, when we all wake up. For us now it is here. If we do not act now to put these monsters out of this position the generations after this war will be chained forever, so it is we who must rise up.

Know this. The vast majority of the adversaries position is you, its enemy, acting without knowledge, or those sleeping in the comfort of unknowing unconsciously supporting, unable to see the enemy in our midst and the trap being built, that if any one should awake it is with scripted components trapping your the fire of your inspiration behind yet another false construct to fight the knowing and so perpetuates the story.

I have to tell you, now I know that I have stood against this adversary since the beginning and that because i took this incarnation to stop them this danger for me is eternal, but that is somehow a part of the responsibility that I accepted before i was born, as I chose this, beginning in this incarnation when I was 9 years old, prostrating my full being and asking God to fill my host and to use my hands for this work. Which for all intended purposes was made pointless because no one helped me.

Now over 35 years later my life is a ruin, the enemy has all but conquered the world because in large part not one person believed, or cares enough for this plight that we are all in, until you see it. Only now a handful of us can begin to see that thing that I have faced since i was a child, approaching your life. Approaching your village.

At least one tentacle of this cuthulu monster has touched everyone. It was not your conscious choice to face it, this thing that fell from heaven, yet there they are slowly but surely drawing their plans against us. The desectrator of worlds sells its abominable plot repackaged for your children less likely to resist because of britney spears type missions and subliminal messages in the cartoons for decades.

The whole war of eternity, the mission of Gods scripture is to stop this now happening by waking us up in time. There is still time, and now it is clear to me that God has given me this responsibility to make this stand, there is no one else. I must risk worse than death wether or not you stand here with me on this line or as it is by the design of the adversary that by the time, already even now, you arrive to the battlefield, you are seperate from me because they put me out my window with censorship. As you will eventually realise I manifested myself to give authority to you. The adversary knows this, But to you I am yet nobody. Same as all of us.

I draw close to my death as soon the enemy will surely kill me. You are next, so it is I can't give up on what i came here for. To save you. It's too late for me as you would expect, Their mission is to stall me out of my window so you did not find me, and to flip me to you so you turn against me is all but over. But I can still empower you to do something. As by sharing this letter all future generations are set free.

I write now as i know that i am any way in grave danger because of this man and because part of the construct they have built is that I carry eternal regrets for taking this incarnation to try and stop them and so now I will not have to include this amongst them. That regardless of their attempts to degrade me and erase me from you, that I make immediate claim to the sceptre of power as is my God given right. Not for me. But for you. As I must deny it to HIM before all hell breaks loose presently.

To bring all being to true knowing has always been the mission of the 1 God. Through this the power belongs to those whose it is supposed to have been from the start, of whom it is written meek but in true interpretation implies lions who know when to unsheath their swords. This is the heart of the true manifestation of Gods throne. Now is that time.

Witness yet how this one mistranslation gives the power instead to those who took it from him, from us, and still thousands of years later handing out pieces of Yeshuas red cloak to his followers, claiming in this way all of them, all of your works, because you are by defination all of him, you are Gods being, wake up. Are we the last awake of this generation. We have to stop now this monster and these diabolical forces who now brazenly advance to kill billions of us in sacrifice to infernal entities as they have done many times before. Or die trying.

Now seeing the remains of my mission and works can ammount to nothing but another piece of this cloak pattern distributed amongst those who destroyed him, so it is have been forced to burn my life's works, the books, the card game, the graphic novel i had envisaged, including the heart shaped stones I walked on because no one but the enemy showed up to claim them. The danger is my life confirms the prophesy of many religions and other than this generation all will know that I tried and you ignored me. The danger is that they have a design to take it over, whatever is left of my legend that you will eventually discover. That which goes up the timeline.

I speak now to this dark sorcerer, this transylvanian vampire sabatuer who crowns himself King. The God of Gods, God of Hosts, God of Life and Death defies you in the text of all religion, defies You in the central core of each legend and in the works of the holy books that you deny and defile, your a charlatan, a time traveling pretender, attempting to cast out the spells which give good people the authority to cancel out your evil joyride and deliver you to the justice you deserve.

The evil cultists know that there would come man, prophesised in scripture, given the authority of God, who would take the sceptre of power and stop them. To throw out their foothold position. Madame Blavatsky even pin pointed when. But they did not know where. I am that man. That avatar they fear. Two decades ago they caught me. I have wanted to die near every day of my life since then. Still i am here for you, waiting for someone else to arrive at this level.

Now war is coming to all of you, Albert Pikes plan in effect, even Judgement day itself has been hijacked and crashed into a garbage truck by these vampires from a bygone era, who you long since stopped believing in. Still you wont believe because they sneak up on you invisibly. But They're whole construct is pretending. Take the scales from your eyes and see this. Know it. I hoped for another living being to see them before its too late because they are coming for everyone.

Why does anyone stand for this abominable man who calls himself King, who claims mere trinkets representative of Gods authority but rejects Gods authority. Why does anyone stand with these vampires who declare themselves in Gods name, in words only. Why do you stand when year after year he presents himself a Christian in an unblinking christmas message, and yet as many know, he is the central figure in a multi generational satanic cult pedophilic even necrophilic in its nature, hunting children with dogs in ritual sacrifice to the enemies of Gods house. Why do you stand when he crowns himself. This makes the entire of you standing there, historically speaking as many will look to you with these eyes, all pedo necro hangouts regardless of how perfect your life is you will be treated accordingly. I'm sure it was worth some paper and a couple of jollies which is what has bought most of them. This is the warning part of the letter.

This pedo has long since destroyed my life, relentlessly pursuing what is left of it and will almost certainly kill me if he is crowned. Some years back Harry and Meghan targeted me with #V2K technology and had tried to set me up as a sacrifice for their wedding. Shortly after their plane was shot down by a bolt of lightening or a lightening weapon.

So I expect that I will die now unless someone helps me, because I am to their plan to kill all of you a big obstacle. Scripture says I'm the only one who can stop them. The enemy knows this, but to you I am nobody. They slipped me out of my window by erasing me. Its the perfect crime and yet a wave remains that lasts forever emanating from what i did, the reason why they hide me.

I write with the authority of the True Christian God to this man, God rebukes you, "GET THIS THING OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!", this call echoes throughout the entire history of religion through millenia in the words of the holy books which have guided us until this revelation, This now happening. These demons through out time are coming from this point origin and so here exists a multiply updated position where we are both in a web of spells and surrounded technologically and yet watching it being unpicked similtaneously. We simply need to stand unified and seize the day. God wills it!

Yet they have endevoured to change them and to deny me the fulfilment of the prophesies of Gods work, his miraculous support confirmed in me through the things that I have done for God in my life of which the enemy, his sell outs and the slowly growing resistance of the awake within the construct who remain my only living witness, watching me from inside with #thatthing. The enemy is expert in the suppression of me, knowing, studying in great detail everything that i did for over 30 years, updated even to birth and before as they can see on my with a technology that I throw them out. Rise with me now and we can take back our world.

But I am nobody to you. Why would I be anything other than. You have not seen. They erased me to you and have set a terrible price for me even if i ever do break out of this web of spells they have trapped us all in. Now we are all facing a grave threat, which my entire life, with every breath and footstep of this incarnation had been manifest to stop. How can i continue to live seeing it come to pass that i could not stop them. Miraculously, God has given me the power to stop this evil man and his diabolical agenda by claiming the sceptre. I am "the one to whom it belongs incarnate in the end times." Official. They know it and so they have i vested a great deal to destroy me.

I am in so much danger now. This now seeding abomination of enslavement using artificial intelligence, voice to skull technologies, mind control, cloning, cybernetic and technological enhancement, time manipulation and time travel technologies as a weapon against all of us. Please understand they have been on me like skin since i was a kid using these technologies. This life is one I lived trying to liberate humanity forever from this abomination.

When will you join me on this line that I have been standing here since i was at leas 35 years waiting for you in this incarnation. They are building a trap that we can never escape from. Targeting even our souls with an injection from birth so that we are drones in a machine controlled by them. This is why the entire war has been fought in eternity that is recorded in all scripture. Why the prophets through the works of God has called all of us through the millenia. To set us all free from this now happening in our midst. We must stop this abomination.

Why do Masons reject the 2nd Testament of the bible when clearly the old testament prophets had been prophesising Yeshua, the lord Adonay, and this, coded in revelation flipped, this so called 2nd coming of Yeshua to turn this false construct over has now double denied him. Great story. Why stop at rejecting half the story, you cannot pick and choose. Who is this group that throw out the name of the Father God and the truth of his vision.

There are beings helping us, feared by the dark, its not just the adversary making changes in these pillars. These changes are passing up and down the timeline, this moment we are in contains all of them somewhere. Look. Judas hangs in Yeshuas place on the cross and he wasnt the first one. The truth is as ridiculous as this and may as well be a comic book.

Here now we stand. If even for this moment you have stood here please understand the danger I am in for taking this step to write this. I have put myself in serious danger to help you for most of my living life I have suffered to help you.

For this now you can plainly see how the danger is real. I will die now from it if you do not help me. Maybe they will just erase me entirely. That's up to you now. I need you simply to share this. You won't and i died because of it. Most have stopped reading long gefore now prefering doctored truth from people who are sensationaly promoted. When you realise that the danger threatens you and your family will you start to do something.

You probably wont know until you are dead how important it was that you helped me to save all of us. Everybody dies. Im not sure it was originally that way after the original play through of my mission which would certainly have stopped them. I think people had helped and together we had cancelled them long before now, since that original victory which God had made effortless they began changing my life targeting me with technology, gangstalking and sabotage after they cancelled all of you with a strategy for each individual. Wiping out my 100 trillion pound project.

At points I could certainly have stopped them, had worked tirelessly for over 20 years on one project which was lazer beam accurate in stopping this abominable agenda, but failing to find the support of living beings to share my works, which were subsequently lost and since the adversary has erased me and rises in my place, in the echo of what i did that remains after what was changed and is positioning to claim as its own what has legitimzed as my position to claim, both through scripture and miraculous confirmation.

Because of these tricksters, Now you expect me as the enemy because you expect I come after him, when I come before him. Since i was a child ive been kept prisoner by him, since at least 3 years old theg have been following me around. You expect me with lightening bolts coming out of my eyes. In truth im present in this happening multiply across different incarnations many here and now though not in any particular order and They changed things, updated the past of my life to stop my works breaking out. These updates have been made to multiple incarnations i have lived on this mission as we know from theyre objective stated to change the words of christ.

All So that I would not be empowered by you to stop them, and you through me to hesr the call all of True 1 Gods mission, and be empower in your certain knowing that I speak the truth. This has been their counter mission in eternity to stop you from knowing your full power.

Now it is more difficult for you to believe what im saying even though every future generation will have certain knowing. The adversary has attempted that the mission of salvation is cancelled out, that 1 True Gods victory is canceled out, hijacked by the adversary, one more piece of red cloth to hand out to those who defy him.

Part of this is that they erased me to this generation, to you, they have a time dilation technology and have updated the timeline of my life to set it out that I am destroyed to all future generations of the living and the dead, who are invited into Gods place in the moment of passing, they have used my incarnation as a weapon against Gods eternal dominion.

By God read each time I speak of true Universal God not aliens or demons masquerading as 'him', dividing up his creations amongst themselves and making nothing of his works and people, following him through whichever religion as all even none lead to him. Which side of the war are you on or are you fence sitting. Whose spell book is this.

This Holy War has lasted forever and as I still live it is still in my power to stop it with my hands. Though now I need yours, I need you to remember because I'm out there somewhere trying to save you and im being stalked by the enemy. Maybe this will go on forever. This war. That this loop they built is designed to make me come back in here to save you. This maya. I can break the loop in this incarnation and so thats what im trying to do now.

One of the regrets they programmed me with is that I had multiple chances to stop all of this and to throw them out forever, but the enemy acted expertly and invisibly in our midst to cancel out all of them, all of you whoever you are reading this now. I guess now this is the last chance as they will probably kill me for writing this, maybe even you for reading this. They have gone to great lengths to kill my name.

At one point all you had to do was press share on your computer, this point took over twenty years to engineer, all the time under attack and in danger. Many of you now see what I saw 37 years ago that triggered me to lead this life. Your awake but here you are late, like we all, dragged to inertia as the pillars of our victory are updated constructs and in the footsteps of those who stood for us stands the enemy in our place talking just like us as they incrementally introduce a corruption which gives a false awakening, a script that makes us fight ourselves.

And we adore them for the things that others did as they eternally enslave us in our midst. So it is that even after all that I did, all that those who have stood on this line in eternity bear witness that history, which is mystery, is made false. And we all fight ourselves on the battlefield they create.

Those who have stood on this line in the eternity of this war, even if you have not yet reached here as once you do you will forever remain, we will tell you because we standing here have fought them forever. God wins. Though this would be much easier if we helped each other and now I need you more than ever to share these words so all can be empowered to free themselves.

Know this. This pedo necro hangout God Damned child hunting faggot beast buggers children and hunts them with dogs in sacrifice to infernal deities and now he prepares a great evil for you all. He must be Stopped.

This monster pedo vampire, like his father before him is a God Damn trans dimensional vampire, a desectrator of Gods throne and is simply lieing to you, from behind a web of false platforms designed and refined to stop you doing anything. To put all of you in lockstep. All. The same group that was behind the pre Bolshevik Operation Trust in russia.

How can it be possible? You must imagine that they have this technology to update past constructs, already the technology to target individuals and remote control them, changing the past. They can see the changes update on the timeline, you cannot. Making a Christmas speech can't be enough to have hypnotised all of you. This viper. He must be stopped. Who can stop him. Is there nobody.

It is written in scripture that a man manifests himself in the end times, proving beyond all shadow of a doubt who he is and that he would claim the so called 'Sceptre of Power', that which by all intents exists symbolically as the crown jewels in London. This event is a huge moment of what they call apocalypse and during this a man manifests himself whose incarnation is the focus of all scripture, and of the many religions it is him the prophets prophesied of.

In the words written appropriate to them, this man who manifests, the painted title they give him is "Shiloh", it means "the one to whom the sceptre of power belongs." Why is it that all the prophets prophesy him, they prophesy this now happening in many religions, the end time incarnation of this man who proves beyond any shadow of a doubt who he is, who takes the sceptre of power and throws them out of the temple. Gone forever.

It is now. And I am Him. They know it and yet you do not. They are keeping me prisoner as I said since I was born. Let me tell you of this in an attempt to break this spell that traps me in death so that through me you are empowered by scripture to stand with me in this mystery. And to win. To claim that which we have never had. A world without them.

God has empowered me as such and so I am terrifying to them because their scripture paints me as the one who throws them out forever, they had been expecting me and so here i am as you find me, in a trap that i have been caught in since birth my life pretty much a write off a thousand times. Hannibal Lectars favourite joke. I have suffered much in this war, while waiting for you, I have wished near every day to die and yet I am driven by this destiny that God has given me, to give to you.

And now I will almost certainly die for telling you this, I face a fate worse than death and have done with every moment of thjs life i have lived. Myself, family and friend's under grave threat. In the most part I try to isolate myself but i need people. The enemy is all over me, has been for over 35 years, I can't hardly protect myself and cant explainthis to a yone becauseits too out of context. But I can still protect you and thats why im doing this before I go to my death.

Though you have not seen and so how can you know, I am him, its a spell construct we face. Designed to keep us seperated. I cannot say. I tried for decades to wake you. It wasnt like this the first time as my works had broken out in time, I stopped the whole agenda, building an alternative civilisatio that rewards charity instead of greed and then they changed the timeline to wipe out my life. They took my DNA and set me up as the original victim at the centre of a gigantic web of spell constructs that puts me in a loop trying to save you forever.

I manifested myself in Dunblane. It was no coincidence that I was in that village facing this pedo cultist. I didnt just happen to be from the village of the original school shooting, at the point origin of this current phase of the abominable plan in our midstthat has been operated by this phoney who calls himself king in gods name but rejects his Absolute authority. Dunblane was my ground zero and you will not get away with it.

They call me an an alien terrorist to justify their imprisonment of me now for nearly four decades and yet I am neither of these things. They are is plainly obvious when you squint your eyes a bit. The living word of God declares me the Rightful Judge of the Apocalypse, it is they who are these things, it too written in scripture pointing the finger at them, every word of the mission points at them and at me as the one who can stop them. You do not see now but they know this.

And so now they baby sit me to death and I face is this life on my knees while these pedo vampires run about all over us. Following me since nursery school ancient demons. If thats not a big enough mind job it looks more like i came here looking for them and i was never alone having the love of far more ancient and truth loving god centric beings who see through all of them. Who raised me to stop them. If you can't hear my words echoing now throughout eternity then we have lost this opportunity. The perfect plan, so simple the Messenger Of The Age rejected in his generation. Hasta la vista. Next time. Dont forget to share at least something of my life long effort to save you.

Ive tried many times to find help, as there is some kind of AI construct that twitches the left side of my face when I try to explain its been difficult. Many times they just show up and destroy my life. They are shooting me with microwave weapons and threatening me with a brain anuerism. They are trying to trap me in some kind of space time anomaly. How can I even begin to explain what ive seen. What God has shown me.

Many are already awake, have arrived to the battlefield that has the potential now to end all war, many are here through channels that have manifested because of my work over the last 35 years and of others like me, driven by fire to bring an end to this monstrosity before it makes a mess. Maybe these words arrive to you after I am dead and you find yourselves once again fighting each other, cheered on by people that hate you.

To all fighting men and women of the world, and all those yet who are here and now to stand on this line. BE wiser than, and let your I AM centre guide the way to the right action. Do not let them divide us. See what Arjuna saw on the same battlefield as he troubled to take the first shot of the war. Witnessing as we do now the faces of our friends amongst the armies of our enemies and the faces of our enemies amongst the armies of our friends. And yet we must go on as it can only end when all know True God and all false has melted away. So it is, I fire this shot. This TLDR.

This man has already taken my whole life and his mother and father before him keeping me a prisoner in my own skin since I was a child. Sabotaging my relationships and my life. Why. Because they know what I am telling you now is truth and that you have not this knowing denies my validation. Except to those who have been watching. Wheareas i am known in high places as the one who cares about you. And so its the perfect crime. Zero people would ever believe it, unless God had raised them. So what did they change. They made us all Mr Nobody.

Many people would now testify to the obvious that the space time continuum has been hijacked by pedo vampires from another dimension, this story is accounted in the scripture of many religions and sadly most people today think its a story that belongs in a comic book. I have known this since 1985 when I made an alliance with being's who have stood forever against them. It may well be the case that knowing who I was, they had placed themselves at the leading edge of a false construct approach and this is a central part of something far more sinister. Like i said hannibal lectar.

My life is no comic book though sometimes i feel it might as well be. Maybe one day ill get around to it. Though for now it seems having run out of time, despite the danger I am already in I must continue, because of the danger that is creeping up on you all in the shadows that is more heinous than a pedo necro hangout who buggers children and hunts them with dogs being made king. Which is no comic book its actually happening, cancelled and annuled. Immediately.

At least one thing I know from this life, from the known adversary and that this construct I am in the position they call original victim. This spell construct is disintegrating though what is left is a vast component of what has led to our enslavement. If we can see through this everything will be overstood.

In the event of my untimely death I have purposefully burned my works, their value as a vehicle of transformation to pass forever up the timeline, creating an empowered and true 1 God centric heart to this vision has too been hijacked just like before this red cloak they rip up and share before me, so that's what is left now. A Red napkin.

Why? Because near zero people are standing on this line, standing even for moment enough to share this to save life, though in real they long since took that from me, a shell remains through which i gather occasionally the strength to continue trying to save you from that mess. The mess that near zero people can see yet, and I have long since began to loathe go be one of them.

Because they have been there my whole life since I was a kid stalking me and trying to get me to kill me dead, building these constructs in my head, that I'm recovering from somehow but probably because I took a break from this. Now again they will probably do something.

A year and two ago they had told me that if i stopped to be an alien terrorist that they would stop to shoot at me. But i am neither of these things. I am the one ordained in scripture who brings about their downfall. As it is I am trapped in a web unable to move forwards, the power of my legend is enough to change everything. It is ordained by Almighty God. They know this.

I can do nothing because until now the only people trying to help me are the people leading the attack against me as the antichrist builds yet another component of this web waiting for this red cloak effect that follows the lives that I've lived.

Here I am again, and yet not one hears my voice except them. While denied of my truth others are prepared amongst you, to turn you into a weapon waiting to paint me as the antichrist and similar spell constructs when God has clearly ordained me as Christ in this story, they will try to say im a pre incarnation though witness the antichrist is already 7 years in this joyride position having seized Gods thrones by subversion, cancelled out the pedo gate investigation and is working to deliver the world into the kalergi plan for European depopulation.

Now I have manifest myself, at the beginning of this happening, Pizzagate Scotland, having expired my whole life trying to throw them out since they came to my village. And why. Because I have known about the high technological mind manipulation technology they have been deploying globally and have been actively trying overthrow their false position since I was a 9 years old working with . Since at least 35 years I have been involved in this Holy War. I wish that I wasn't any more but I am left with no choice. Because God has ordained it and there is no one else.

If you do not help je right now I am almost certainly dead. They will probably kill me now. I am the man who knows too much. So it is written, "first they fight you, then you win", how can it be this, because i got their every trick, exposed their plan, awoke even their own scribes against them, now Im being kept in a high technology enslavement that is being designed for you all since nearly 20 years. I want to die every day. Lately its not been so bad. Unfortunately i guess after this it will all go to hell.

I hope you at least read my tldr and if hearing these words please press share or I am 100% certain to end up in a gigantic mess which can be worse than death. I have been systematically erased from history because my legend is so great they cannot stand against us standing behind it in full knowing. I need you now more than ever and you need me. But this generation has denied me, and so Je Suis Mr Nobody. Yet every generation that follows you will hear of my name.

So they keep me hidden from you like I'm the man in the iron mask. Why do i stand now on this line. Do I want to die. No. I came here to fulfil the mission of the Fathers Prayer, to deliver the world from evil and bring Heaven to Earth. I came here to stop what they have already done and they kicked my ass. Now this train wreck we are in.

Its been quite a ride, they have raped me my entire life with some kind of quantum brain interface operating outside the space time continuum, one thing they can do is take thoughts out your brain so it stalls you to change an action. They can do this in space and time. Using this simple blocking trick they simply have blocked me at critical points in my life, these constructs were built in the past of my life updated from some point. They have updated the past of my life, one thing they did was stop me from having sex in my life with this and other tricks, stopping even my high school prom kiss.

This mess I am in is connected to alliances made with demons by the same group that took over the heart of the military industrial complex following world war 2. Who were working originally with the cultists going all the way down the timeline through constructs.

Just as scripture warns us they would, see it now. Diabolical alliances inside the military industrial complex have built a high technological web of enslavement that attempts to justify their false double flipped position built to trap all of you. This is one component of why now I write this because God has empowered me to stop them.

Infact even now the road of absolute creation or absolute destruction is clearly visible. These are our manifest choices. It is the end of this abominable group that keeps us in reigns like yoked cattle, or it is the end of all of us. The end of everything that it means to be human, everything that is sacred and holy is prey. Most of this generation were hypnotised by Britney Speers type tricks so they do not care. Blink and five minutes from now we are going to be policed with armed robots forced to submit to child hunting pedo faggots in alliance with terrible demons.

That is why if you are reading this now and are a conscious being are able to fully overstand this mess if you do now one thing to help I need you to share this document. So that this might lead to a base on which I can defend myself as it is they are simply walking into my life and kicking my legs away. To keep me on the ground which now they will likely do again because i wrote this text.

Having suffered a great deal in my life, I am in real and immediate danger because I stand now in the way for all of us. Many stand here on this line with me and yet there are legions of what they call useful idiots leading false constructs in our midst that are designed to divide us. Is it possible to move forwards without falling for this.

Nobody is talking about #thatthing. This. They used high technology on me, MK ultra classic techniques, not the carrot version but the stick. Since i was a 3 year old kid. Thats what they did. Soul splintering, They have been building altars of suffering in my mind over the course of my life trauma programming me using voice to skull technology, at these altars they have put beings there, responsible for triggering these altars to keep me in low vibration.

If your are truly hearing these words now i need you to remember this is is happening. Others will resist even you eventually when you see what we see. Wait, see how we are running into the same webs of tricks over and over again. I need you to remember, at least collectively so that others like me can do something. Like us now, still managing to follow this.

Why do they sneak up on you, building this abomination of slavery in our midst, already with technology to change even that which you have done, even after you did it. Leaving a seemwhere they changed something. So if I suddenly dissapear and so does this text know this. So may you. Call on this name i am about to give you in the moment of your passing. As you have known. I dont deny you.

This thing has been on me my whole life has known me a long time, i am probably going to die for making this disclosure. Or worse. So lets begin. My life has already been made a hell by them. Recently I was shot me with a microwave weapon on the day after the announcement queen's death, so if I suddenly die of a brain anuerism you will know. Why?

One reason is because I know among this evil mans many evils Charles was behind the primary school shooting in Dunblane Scotland in 1996 with the hegalian objective to take the guns from everyone in the UK in preparation for this Heinous cull they plan which is thinly veiled sacrifice of all of us. How do I know. Since that day I have been researching every dirty little shit they ever took on us from behind this false platform, this web of spells they have built.

This man is forbid by Almighty God to be made king. Every act of this abominable filth of evil will fall on your heads. And so it begins. These cultists prepare for Ahriman incarnation, opening a portal to hell to feed on you all. Who can stop them. It is written in the scripture that only one person can stop them. I am him. As is known by many heads of government and every royal of the crown. You know that I am scriptually confirmed that is my given right to claim the sceptre of power as it I am the one it belongs to, and so I break it before all of you to deny this diabolical plan. Here giving these broken pieces to whoever stands to claim them in order to throw out these diabolical demons.

I declare this evil mans coronation null and void, just as they all been since the stone the density was switched. You scoff. And yet this is the stone that granted Gods authority to the throne and so your authority it is null and void. Whereas mine is scripturally ordained and confirmed miraculously.

Infact the same scripture throws this man out of the temple of which the crown is the representative authority. And so whose throne do you claim, Charles. No. I strongly object. Some body. Please Get this sabatuer vampire out of my house.

And so I write these worlds to all who serve under the authority of the crown. Your wisest scribes will agree that I have been granted the authority of God to claim the sceptre of power. You have all the facts and you know this. God has given me this right and so I claim it. You will keep me prisoner no more. Summon your wisest man of scripture, summon your oracles, given the facts they will agree your coronation is invalid and it is my right to claim.

Therefor this is a legal document that validates my right to claim the sceptre and the authority of the Crown which has fallen and to break it forever so that it can longer be used by dark forces to corrupt the children of Gods house.

You know my name.

Anon Scotland

Like Bachus here, in whose name the gematria "Host to satan incarnate in the end times" and his cohorts "antichrist murders christ" and "bride of lucifer" who are conspiring to destroy me.

Now at the very tipping point they have simply ignored, even the check mate end game move of Christ manifest over and over again, denying to all the confirmation of faith that He, the one who manifests to save us, as testified by the prophets, revealed as THE LORD through the 111 encoding in the titles from the old, new testament bible and book of revelations. This work and mission now prey to demons with time dilation technology and has been weaponised against us.

Yet still, Here at the confirmation of the eternal victory of the 111 True God manifest as Living Word, the adversary has simply ignored it, has denied to all of you this knowing and is trying to get you to be anything but Christia, and continues toward the very target of the adversaries mission is to dethrone this 'wonderful counsellor' because only He can bring about the downfall of these monstrous devils as it is written.

Here I am. Yet another manifestation of me again about to die on this mission. Just one of so many of which you are only told about one of them. Im just watching propaganda pumped out of the adversaries propaganda factory that I dont exist, that this sacrifice is not real and neither was anyones who stood on this Line in eternity fighting for what is true Fighting so that the collective of living being would not be enslaved by nefarious forces who replace truth for folly and who are using information blending techniques to get everyone to accept a kind of new age mire of truth that rejects the personage and mission of Christ even at the point of its conclusion.

The adversaries agenda is to deny the mission of God, positioning by simply ignoring the eternal war and its now victorious conclusion, failing only the act of their removal by ourselves. Those caught in service to these liars in our midst, ancient devils incarnate who simply demonise those standing for truth and glorify the very devils and demons from behind a double flipped false position, that is slowly but surely setting up for a cascading collapse turning everything upside down and back to front leaving a false that traps everyone. I object.

Mystery... for the cats.