Daily SBD/STEEM Report (09/03/24) / Täglicher SBD/STEEM Bericht (03.09.24) (EN/DE)

in #cryptocurrency18 days ago

24 hours SBD/STEEM Report

(german below | deutsch unten)

09/03/24, 06:00 am:

Internal Market
Last rates Change Low High
SBD/STEEM: 0.0674 -1.15 % 0.0672 0.0714

External Rates
Last rates Change Low High
SBD/STEEM: 0.0665 -1.86 % 0.0651 0.0690
SBD/USD: 2.4500 4.70 % 2.3400 2.5000
STEEM/USD: 0.1630 2.75 % 0.1586 0.1640
Market Cap / Volume
STEEM (USD): 76.519.200 2.53 % 74.627.418 77.191.631
Volume (USD/24h): 12.066.983 -19.73 %
SBD (USD): 33.322.866 4.48 % 31.848.585 34.066.707
Volume (USD/24h): 4.400.396 45.54 %
(09/02/24, 06:00 am - 09/03/24, 06:00 am)

Timezone: Washington, D.C. (UTC-4), DB: 24 of 24 blocks (data 100.00% completely)

24 Stunden SBD/STEEM Bericht

03.09.24, 12:00 Uhr:

Interner Markt
Aktuelle Kurse Differenz Tief Hoch
SBD/STEEM: 0.0674 -1.15 % 0.0672 0.0714

Externe Kurse
Aktuelle Kurse Differenz Tief Hoch
SBD/STEEM: 0.0665 -1.86 % 0.0651 0.0690
SBD/USD: 2.4500 4.70 % 2.3400 2.5000
STEEM/USD: 0.1630 2.75 % 0.1586 0.1640
Marktkap. / Volumen
STEEM (USD): 76.519.200 2.53 % 74.627.418 77.191.631
Volumen (USD/24h): 12.066.983 -19.73 %
SBD (USD): 33.322.866 4.48 % 31.848.585 34.066.707
Volumen (USD/24h): 4.400.396 45.54 %
(02.09.24, 12:00 Uhr - 03.09.24, 12:00 Uhr)

Zeitzone: Berlin, (UTC+2), DB: 24 von 24 Blöcken (Daten 100.00% vollständig)

Read more about me and my projects:
1. about nodex | my programming project and me | mein Programmierprojekt und ich | über nodex (Feb 2018)
2. Explaining my price reports and current work | Erklärung meiner Preisberichte und woran ich arbeite (Mar 2018)
3. Updates | Side project "investyourvote" | Nebenprojekt "investyourvote" | Neuigkeiten (Apr 2018)
4. Neu: Das STEEM-TIPPSPIEL | Das Tippspiel stellt sich vor | Ab sofort Tipper und Gewinner gesucht! (Apr 2018)
5. Daily-Report: STEEM-Market Cap included | STEEM-Marktkapitalisierung eingefügt (Jun 2018)
6. Switching the API for STEEM/SBD price logging | Umstellung der API zwecks STEEM/SBD Preiserfassung (Jul 2018)
7. Updates | SBD/STEEM Reports: here comes the graph! | SBD/STEEM Berichte: hier kommt der Graph! | Neuigkeiten (Aug 2018)
8. Daily-Report: SBD-Market Cap and volume included | SBD-Marktkapitalisierung und Handelsvolumen eingefügt (Feb 2019)

I’m happy about every support for my project and hope that the resulting data will be useful.
Ich freue mich über jede Unterstützung für mein Projekt und hoffe vor allem das die entstehenden Daten nützlich sind.

"🚀 Congratulations on reaching another milestone! 🎉 The latest SBD (USD) report is out, with a market capitalization of $33,322,866 and a volume of $4,400,396 over 24 hours. 📈 The price has increased by 4.48% since yesterday, with a total market cap of $34,066,707. 💸

👀 Want to dive deeper into the numbers and see how they're trending? Check out the full report above! 📊 And don't forget to join the discussion in the comments below - your insights are valuable to our community! 💬

💖 Big shoutout to all the Steem users who contribute to this project with their upvotes, comments, and support. Your enthusiasm is what makes it grow! 🌱

👉 And speaking of growth... don't forget to VOTE FOR XPILAR.WITNESS at https://steemitwallet.com/~witnesses . Your vote will help us continue improving the ecosystem and contributing to the success of our community! 💪"