
hmmm...can you explain further?

Most intelligent people are most unsure with decisions they take. They think from all the angles about the subject and see lots of possible outcomes, but cant take the best one, because they know there is no The Best answer. Every coin has two sides(if we dont take the small round side into consideration), has value, weight, it is made of metals that are made of molecules that are made of atoms that are made of...
From this post i see that You are a smart person. Life for the smart people is not easy as of the others but without You it will be lot more dumber.
So stay positive all the time!
Wish You happiness in every move You take! :)

Most intelligent people are most unsure with decisions they take

and you are one or know them all? ha!

Thanks for this. I understand what you are saying and I think that yes, as the saying goes 'ignorance is bliss'. I appreciate your support!

"You are wrong"

is absolutely wrong -> your statement itself!

One may say a statement or a collection of statements are wrong.
One may say: "you are wrong about such and such because ..."

Nothing is absolute and "right" or "wrong" is subjective and are grossly misusing these absolute words on subjective matters.

You need to prove someone's statements or actions wrong.
You can not prove someone wrong.