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RE: Self-motivation does it worth it?

in #creativewriting15 days ago

Greetings sis.🤗

After and understanding your post, I've find more reasons why i should always stay positive and happy no matter what life brings.

Of course, you're the real queen of positivity, the provided pictures in your post says it all.

I'll try to apply the tips you provided in your post especially saying no to procrastination.

Self motivation does it worth it? Yes, it worth it.

Honestly i enjoy reading your post, i appreciate the time and effort that you use to cook this post.


Oh really?

I'm so grateful to read this comment from you, I almost missed this comment due to procrastination but I rejected it and look at me now, smiling while reading your comments.

Thank you and I'm grateful that you find my post beneficial and you learn something from it.