
I just checked, he didn't play for the Warriors.

Yeah I didn't't think so. But he did win a championship with MJ and the Bulls.

I am so sorry for the confusion! I am a dummy for believing it - and coming back excited wanting to write a bit something & share photos =(

It's ok, I don't think you can edit the story but it's not that big of a deal, but also want to point out that the $133,000 was for 2 tickets, not 1.

true, I misunderstood the statement made! my bad - my apologies.

Is there anyway to edit my story??

I do believe you can edit the story, without any problems. Also don't worry, we all make mistakes.

oh m my gosh!! that's embarrasing - they had told me earlier and me dummy believed it -

My bad - ned in the blogging stuff!