Vancouver couple willing to accept bitcoin for oceanfront house

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

A first in Canada, house offered for BitCoins. It's noteworthy that an expensive house in Vancouver is being sold with the optional acceptance of BitCoins. Is it really wise to sell a multimillion dollar house for BitCoin when BitCoin has massive fluctuations in value? I wonder if they could get their money out before a low? On the other hand if BitCoin goes up after selling they stand to make millions assuming they can get the cash out before BitCoin crashes below their sell price. I'm new to all this so I don't have answers, just questions that highlight the risk.

"Want to buy some oceanfront property in British Columbia? It'll only cost you 180 bitcoin, or maybe 160 – no wait, it might change to more than 500 bitcoins."


"That's the volatile reality Camilla Stephan-Heck and her husband are facing with their decision to accept the cryptocurrency bitcoin in exchange for their Vancouver Island house. Priced in dollars, they are seeking $2.7-million for the five-bedroom, 18-room bluff's edge mansion."

Tha's a lot of real dollars even for Vancouver homes... well, just above average.

"She's a dentist, he's a lawyer, and they bought their dream property on 1885 Widgeon Rd., near Qualicum Beach, in 2001, right on the waterfront of the Georgia Strait. In 2010, the couple retired and moved their three children from Sherwood Park (outside Edmonton) into a custom-built 5,788 square-foot dream home on the 6.7-acre site."

"Ms. Stephan-Heck says the couple's children are moving out, scattering across Canada, and the couple wants to downsize and have property near where they settle. They listed in November, and started advertising on cryptocurrency websites in January."

Well it's certainly a way to get attention to their listing regardless if they take BitCoin.

"I read an article about the utility of bitcoin and I said, 'Would we accept bitcoin for our house?' [Her husband] said, 'I'd be open to it.' It's not done every day," Ms. Stephan-Heck said."

Read more of the articles at

BitCoin for large purchases raises a lot of questions. The BlockChain is protective as it provides a detailed audit train that the government or others can use to follow every transaction, at least it seems so at first glance. So if your BitCoins are from ill gotten gains the government could in theory track that down far easier. Could it not?

I wonder if more houses will be offered for BitCoin? LIkely so.

The image is the house for sale as shown in the article.

As we now know BitCoin and other coins have "crashed" more in recent days and since December BitCoin is down 50%. While it's certainly possible that BitCoin will increase in value, possibly even significatly... would you really want to sell a CAD$2.7 million dollar asset and have its value cut in half? Yikes.


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@steemcleaners I added text. Slamming others posts in the manner that you have is always frowned upon in every social media platform by the way.

I linked the source. Follow the link. Read.

I did include my own thought on the first paragraph, and a later expanded edit. You realize that people can edit posts to expand them and that we all don't have time to obey absurd dictates such as you listed.

I quoted the first part of the article that makes the introduction to the topic in the proper manner of quoting text, using two double "" characters surrounding the quoted text followed by the linked reference. Damn, please learn to read. I don't know who you are but damn, you're bossy. Learn to post summaries of articles, far better than putting just a link as many do.

It's not spam, it's a interesting article. I didn't have anything to add yet other that it was of interest at the time I posted it. That isn't a crime in any universe. Damn. Stop being judgemental of others, that is what is wrong with the internet steemcleaners. Stop telling others what to do or how to do it. Haven't you ever hear of freedom?

Abuse? Absurd. I've posted summaries to linked articles for twenty years on dozens of social media platforms. I don't see what is wrong with that. If you don't want to upvote the article then don't, but damn, you're ultra judgemental of a new user here just getting started. Put your judgements away and stop being post police. Damn.

Who are you any way? Hiding behind a fake name "steemcleaners", who hides behind a fake name like that and harshes out on people? Damn.

Are you working for steemit? employed by them? If so you've got really bad rules and have failed to identify yourself which is a major failure. If not then please leave me alone and stop trolling me with your harsh anti-freedom rules, thanks.

If you value freedom don't tell people what do to or how to do it unless they ask. Thanks. I don't recall asking you.

I really don't know why busybodies bother people like @steemcleaners is doing, it's really anti-social what he's doing and his mannerisms are trollish and authoritarian in the extreme, bordering on fascist in fact.

I'm glad you have post rules for yourself, good for you. I'll post and edit my own posts according to my own editorial style, and I'll post summary posts to inform people of interesting posts.

It's noteworthy that an expensive house in Vancouver is being sold with the optional acceptance of BitCoins.

I do not appreciate your authoritarian anti-freedom tone, it's anti-social, it's anti-freedom, it's anti-person, it's anti-success oriented, it's an attempt to control people and that stinks of cult like behavior.

If you have suggestions then please restate your comments as suggestions not as commands.

Also who the heck are you? Please identify yourself with your real name. Hiding behind a fake name isn't being honest at all. It stinks of a scammer or a hacker or a control artist, a con man. Use your real name. Thanks. Who are you?

As for those who want to dictate how I post and comment on interesting articles, how about you focus on your own articles and leave others alone, thanks very much... don't be such a busy body, thanks again. I'm open to suggestions, I'm not open to commands and dictates from those who fail to identify themselves and hide behind fake names.

Oh and I consider your post comment to be uninvited near spam due to it's authoritarian tone attempting to boss me around. Shame on you who ever you are.

This is the best post on Steemit. I gave you a vote now, ya heard?

Thanks @eatsrewards... best post, nice... share, share, vote, vote, vote. Nice. Mutual benefits.

gotcha an upvote thanks for the follow

let's share comments, vote, rewards!

Sure, sounds good @wandaleon.