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RE: The Necessity of the Block In

in #art7 years ago

What a wonderful example for this lesson in blocking. I never thought of drawing in this manner. I really like the aspect that promoted using only straight lines. It ties into something I heard a painiter say about only making a stroke at a time and not to make a bunch of soft little marks. That that was a big difference between the illustrator or drawer versus the painter. That the painter works his material using his entire arm and the drawer uses the hand from the wrist.
I'm really looking forward to trying out this lesson for myself.


@yombo Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. And I'm glad you found it helpful. Yeah, I can understand that. When the block in is based off of executive and definitive decisions, only then that gives us something to build upon and rely on. We can't determine the course of our future decisions if the previous marks are lazily or ill defined. In addition, routinely stepping back from your drawing will work wonders :)