The Best Directors - Tarantino, Spielberg & Burton (Original Pen & Ink Illustrations by J-VO)

in #art7 years ago

The Best Directors - Tarantino, Spielberg & Burton (Original Pen & Ink Illustrations by J-VO)
20 hours ago
j-vo54 in art

Who doesn't love Quinten Tarantino? Well... maybe a lot of people, BUT — for every person who finds him distasteful, there is someone who finds him to be a BRILLIANT creative director of the silver screen. This particular series of illustrations were really important to me - the challenge was to pick three people who were influential to you and through a variety of additional "props" so to say, you would be able to identify who this person was.

I have always been a big movie person - and by this point had a set top three favorites of all time - ever - ....and they were:

Quentin Tarantino
Tim Burton
Stephen Spielberg
(The links above will take you to their pages on and give you an idea of all the movies they have done, their backstory, etc. - if you are interested)

Some of my favorite Quentin movies have really stuck with me - for both visual and conceptual reasons. His movies are bold, gritty, unforgiving and in-your-face loud - but they are visually stunning and extremely captivating - from the cinematography and beautifully composed scenes to the insane thrill-ride he takes you on - these moves are just - amazing and I highly recommend you see the following (if you haven't - it's ok, but you seriously owe it to yourself to see at least one)

Pulp Fiction - From the easter eggs to the freakin' crazy story line, vulgar obscenities, and beautiful cinematography - this is my all time favorite - its crazy, but its also just crazy good - not to mention the all star casting - Uma, John, Samuel - so good.

Kill Bill VOL 1,2 &3 - Yes they are all good, yes you should absolutely watch them all, and yes you should watch them in order :)

DeathRace - Its grungy - its crazy - it feels B-Rate - but I love it!

These three movies influenced the "props" I used in the below illustration:U5dtapNAF1vrHKjm7c5rJurpmt8a7G3_1680x8400.jpg