
I wish I could've made it down there! Maybe next year!

Hey very thank your post very like very good in day all very happy my give saw pay@aaa

I'm getting in touch with my spiritual side, this one is actually ANGRY all of the time, well how do you confront such an emotional beast and if you approach it the wrong way will it make it worse. It's something I'm working on really I think I'll find a way to come to a peace one day, I see nature is beautiful and I see life is fulfilling but something is fueling a fire, it's passionate but resentful, it's creative but hateful, it's observant but disruptive. This is just the beginning of a journey I think but sorry for rambling on and on and I appreciate your DTube video and interview my man.

Hey Kenny, the more I watch your videos the more I feel like I was blessed to run into you in Anarchapulco. I love your calm style and the love you radiate. I would love to talk with you again soon, maybe via Skype or so. I am so involved with Steem I want to keep my new friends from the life changing event in Acapulco as close as possible. :)

amazing travel anarrchy dtube post thanks for shearing

@kennyskitchen thanks for introducing @geliquasjourney to us. Just finished reading one of her post about "Are you being baked or kissed by the sun". Thanks for sharing and keep up the great job.

Very good article, I look forward to the next👍

what is the purpose here?24909889_219586358590642_7759914147593406610_n.jpg

Thanks for information @kennyskitchen