SEC | S20W2: How to cultivate a paddy

in #agro-s20w25 days ago


Hello, everyone! I'm very glad to share my discussion on how to grow rice in this community. I'm deeply honored to participate in this competition!
Born in the rural areas of Asia, I have been exposed to rice planting since childhood and deeply understand the importance of rice for mankind. Mr. Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice in China, has improved the yield of rice with hybrid rice technology. Here, I express my admiration and gratitude to all the workers and scientific research experts in rice technology research! The following are some of my opinions on rice planting:


1.Sowing Time
Rice is divided into early rice, middle rice and late rice. Different types of rice have different sowing times. Generally, early rice is sown from the end of March to the beginning of April or before the Qingming Festival, and transplanted from the end of April to the beginning of May. Middle rice is usually sown from the beginning of April to the end of May and transplanted from the end of June to the beginning of July. Late rice is generally sown in the middle and late June and transplanted before the Beginning of Autumn. The climate varies in different regions, so the sowing time is not the same.

2.Seed treatment
Before sowing, rice generally needs four treatments: seed drying, seed selection, seed soaking, and seed sprouting. Before sowing rice, choose a sunny day from 10 am to 3 pm, spread the seeds in the sun and dry them continuously for 2 - 3 days. When selecting seeds, healthy seeds with high yield and full grains should be selected, and shriveled, thin, blighted, and empty seeds should be removed. For rice seed soaking, the seeds can be soaked in normal temperature clean water or 1% lime water solution or prochloraz solution for several days. During this period, stir and change the water every day. When the water absorption of the seeds reaches 30 - 40% of the weight of the seeds, it is beneficial for germination.

The operation steps for seed sprouting are as follows: first, use warm water at about 50 degrees Celsius to increase the temperature of the soaked rice seeds. After taking them out and wrapping them well, cover them with straw, gunny sacks, or quilts, etc., and then place them in an environment of 30 - 32 degrees Celsius for heat preservation, moisture preservation, and sprouting. During this period, spray clean water for moisture preservation and turn the pile to prevent high temperature. When the bud length and root length of the seeds reach about 0.2 - 0.3 cm, place the seeds in a cool place indoors for about 6 hours for cooling the buds before sowing.


3.Land preparation management
The rice planting field should be deeply plowed and finely harrowed to a depth of 15 - 25 centimeters in advance. The requirements for land preparation are based on the principle of deep cultivated layer, soft and permeable soil, and fine and flat field surface, so as to create a good rhizosphere environment for the growth and development of rice. Then apply base fertilizer. The amount of base fertilizer used can be 60 - 70 percent of the annual fertilization amount. 1500 kilograms of decomposed organic fertilizer + 20 kilograms of NPK compound fertilizer + 10 kilograms of nitrogen fertilizer + 10 kilograms of potassium fertilizer can be applied per mu.

4.Scientific transplantation
When the average daily temperature remains stably above 15 degrees Celsius, transplantation can be carried out. For dry-raised medium seedlings, 3 - 3.5 leaves are suitable (suitable for machine transplantation), and for large seedlings, 4 - 4.5 leaves are better (suitable for manual transplantation), or transplantation can be carried out when the seedlings are about 8 centimeters high. During transplantation, attention should be paid to the planting density. Generally, early rice is suitable for moderate close planting, late rice is suitable for sparse planting, and middle rice is generally between early rice and late rice.

5.Management of rice transplanting
Before transplanting, the water level in the field should be adjusted to about 1 centimeter in advance. During transplanting, attention should be paid to early and timely transplanting, straight transplanting, uniform depth of transplanting, and consistent transplanting. Special attention should be paid to the depth of transplanting. Generally, for manual transplanting, 1.5 centimeters is the best, and for machine transplanting, 2 centimeters is appropriate. For small seedlings, the depth should be relatively shallow, and for large seedlings, the depth should be relatively deep. After completing the transplanting, it is necessary to replenish water in the field in a timely manner to protect the seedlings and promote their rejuvenation. The depth of water supply should be controlled at about 3 - 5 centimeters, and it is appropriate that the water level reaches 2/3 of the seedling height without submerging the heart leaves.

6.Field management
After transplanting, it is advisable to keep the water layer shallow without exposing the ground. During the tillering stage, the water layer should be about 2 - 3 centimeters. In the later stage of tillering, pay attention to draining and drying the field. After drying the field, increase the water layer to about 5 centimeters. During the jointing and booting stage, 8 - 10 centimeters is appropriate. 2 - 3 days before heading, drainage should be carried out to supplement oxygen. In addition, topdressing management should be done well. Tillering fertilizer should be applied 7 - 10 days after rice transplantation, and 6 - 8 kilograms of quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer should be topdressed per mu. Panicle fertilizer is generally applied during the rice stem-rounding stage, and 5 - 6 kilograms of quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer + 2 - 3 kilograms of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are topdressed per mu. Rice grain fertilizer is generally applied after heading. 0.5 - 1% urea water + 0.2 - 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be used for spraying, and the spraying volume per mu is about 50 kilograms.

The above is the introduction about rice planting techniques and steps. In addition, for rice, we should also pay attention to the key points of intertillage, weeding, pest and disease prevention and control management. For pests and diseases, we should strengthen field inspections and carry out targeted prevention and control according to the types of pests and diseases in the early stage of disease occurrence. Only with scientific planting and management can rice achieve high yield and high quality.
@Trafalgar, @steemitblog , @lunasilver
