How To Destroy Steemit in 3 Easy Steps!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #abuse7 years ago (edited)

This is exactly what I want. Sometimes I really would like to push my own comment a little bit so it gets noticed by more people. But I don't do it (99% of the time) because I have a bad feeling about it. Removing the monetary reward would be perfect. Although maybe then all comments will have at least 1 upvote.

I also like the idea. Others could still reward your comment.

I know because I feel the same way! I want to upvote my GIF, or whatever, but I don't want the money......

OMG... this seems to be even more relevant if an upvote is worth $10.... :D Thank you!
But when I think about it... one could upvote an own comment with only 1%, reducing the payout. I've even seen upvotes of less than 1%... I wonder how this is possible. Can you go under 1% if you're bigger?

(Oh and also thanks for raising my reputation score... :D)

hey, you did this all yourself, by adding some logic and care to my post! I can upvote with 1%, sure. I decided to upvote at full strength, to prove a point....rewarding others is the ORIGINAL REASON THIS PLATFORM WAS CREATED. We cannot judge our own comments, and even our own posts. We also cannot give ourselves our reputation score. That is GIVEN BY OTHERS. People need reminding of these basics.....and understanding that PEOPLE ON HERE WHO STARTED OUT WITH NOTHING BECAME INFLUENTIAL (and earned Steem IN THE PROCESS). I didn't become influential by upvoting my own comments. That is NOT THE WAY.

I feel like I am clawing my way to higher rep and higher SP and it feels great! It's the same feeling when you start a garden. You clear the area (laying the foundation), plant your seeds (gaining friends and posting), and reap the bounty! The work doesnt stop there though. You have to keep it up. The bounty keeps coming over time and work.

I have been down with yunk from almost the very start when it was just whispered in the chat room! HEee HEEe
Yunktastic idea
It can be a noun, verb, adjective! But it goes deeper than that as we see here :0) Happy it's gaining transaction here to support.

At one percent, I'm now at $.18

$.08 at 100% (88% voting power) :D

@stellabelle how did you end up with that much SD?

  1. Commented on others.
  2. Made friends.
  3. Kept friends, worked on social skills.
  4. Blogged every day.
  5. Found Steemit in 2016, and became obsessed.

Thanks stellabelle this what I am doing now, blogged is a bit hard for me so you can see me most on commenting.

Good rules to follow, followed you also. Commenting is more harder for me than blogging i don't get it, but i am learning.

She has been around since the beginning and actually added value to the system. That is why she has such a high voting power(FYI).

your real questions should be: how did you end up with 74 rep score.... these are interrelated.
Everyone discounts the true value here: social capital.

So how did you end up with 74 as your rep score?

she just told you... "social value"
I am learning fast here used to upvote now I dont..poor minnow they come here with false ideas...who to blame? I even made a post on how to self up vote am just sticking to my "social value" I can offer here and that is drawing and all kinds of graphics art and who knows maybe start making short stories ... but I know everything has its own time and I like to give everything its own time..."fermentation" this motheryunker lol...(i like to joke a lot)...ride on steemians!!!

Upvoting your own comments without any monetary rewards would fix this a lot ! Would love to see this happen.

Even upvoting your own comments without any monetary reward shouldn't be a feature if it gets pushed up according to voter's SP. You can never be a fair judge to your own comment. Most people are biased when judging themselves. Let others judge their content's worth.

If there needs to be a feature for upvoting yourself, it should be just for the sack of novelty.

You can never be a fair judge to your own comment.

Totally agree! 💯

I also think this applies to posts, not just comments. As you say, "let others judge their content's worth".

Wouldn't that leave people to simply create sock puppet account? I think this isn't a viable solution.

Creating a ton of sock accounts would requires vastly more effort and time than an auto-vote bot, unless I'm mistaken. That's a disincentive to pursuing that particular course of action, especially given that new accounts have practically no weight at all.

Wouldn't it necessitate only one sock puppet account. It could be seen negatively to upvote its own comment this way but it still could be done.

At this point I tend to disagree with this solution and I'm still unsure about the course of actions that should be taken.

I agree with @teamsteem, the creation of just one sock-puppet account is an almost negligibly small discomfort to the average (ab)user. That's why my own algorithms have always treated self-votes and sock-puppet-votes the same.

Can't agree more! In fact, Steemit does not differentiate in a post or a comment and count them together as "posts". But while creating a post, "Upvote post" check box is checked by default and that is discriminatory of Steemit. This default setting makes us think that we should upvote our posts ...and by analogy, upvote our comments too. It's all beyond me.

Actually, this has been changed now and the default is not to upvote your own post. You must now check the box to self-vote.

Yep, that was a change I submitted too :)

And a good one. Well done you!

I understand what you mean, but they're clearly differentiated here on the UI, which would lead me to think that differentiating them via the blockchain shouldn't be particularly difficult.

motheryunker, u nailed it...

I have only upvoted my own comments to avoid them fall bellow an army of bot comments, which are annoying, don't provide any new things to the conversation and only generate spam that can avoid real people reading comments from real people.
In my case, my upvote doesn't give me back any money, but anyway, completely agree with the proposal of not receiving money at all for everyone self-upvoting

and providing good answers continues to earn you rewards from others....EXACTLY WHY THIS PLATFORM WAS CREATED.

Indeed. It would bring much better engagement on every post and that's what we need !

I almost upvoted my own comment (lulz)

Why not just disallow all self-voting? Of course there are workarounds, but I don't understand the desire to allow it "for visibility". Doesn't everyone want more visibility? If everybody would do this, then nobody should do this, as it would all cancel itself out. Or make it so every post is automatically self-upvoted. Just make it an all or nothing proposition.

I thought there was a button somewhere you could "auto upvote" your own comments already? Or was it auto-upvote your own posts?

Just your posts. It's assumed that you want to vote for your own posts, and I don't think people really frown on that, but they do frown on upvoting your own comments, or, at least, it's controversial.

I think I have an idea:

a bot that verify the human a "captcha" type of bot that at the moment of upvoting it will ask you to write down a funny looking word lol...

"self-upvoting" bots would die in agony

also it would make you think twice before upvoting .. thinking about the time you have to lose to "captch" it... you must really like a content to go thru an upvote..

am I missing something here? what do you think...

at least lower it to like 10% not 100

but even that might not be enough
i dunno ill have to brainstorm as many other probably have

if take away the upvote power they are like soldiers without a gun...

yes, and those people would be forced to post more, and perhaps would abuse that, but at least that is way more visible.

exactly, I mean how many posts you make per day?? 5-10 ...then how many of this 10 is worth your upvote?...they will get tired eventually

Consiquently. Every time you upvote yourself you loose 10 yunkcoins. This post is yunk approved. Share the yunk! Spread it around. Welcome to the yunkommunity

Maybe you can create your own Yunk token, which is given to those who don't upvote their own content?

lol we have definitely had talks about making yunkcoin for fun, we will see what comes :)

Would it be possible to automatically integrate Yunk tokens into steemit?

That is a great question that I do not know the answer to :)

Hello @stellabelle

Those are strong tags, but they are neccesary

As someone who runs a contest for new Steemians , I have recieved some complaints about how unfair the system is.

HF 19 (nicknamed Equality),may have brought increased voting power, but it is also brought about a sharp increase of self reward and greed.

I don't believe in Equality in this aspect, Equity is what we should strive towards, I have seen some blogs that the owners have not been active but they still earn more than those who post articles by just upvoting their comments.

This is very unhealthy for Steemit, and I believe that this is what has led to the increasing number of shit posts because people feel like cracking their head for quality posts will bring them no tangible returns.

I have seen where people upvote their comments without even upvoting the post.


Good insights. No one has the answer, but many think that removing the rewards on comments is a first and necessary step.

OK, I agree with this: "...that removing the rewards on comments is a first and necessary step."
Sock-puppet creation is too easy for this to be a viable total solution, but it sends a message to the copy-cats.

Indeed, if the only logical reason to self-upvote a comment is for promotion, then it logically should cost a bit to do so. This may not be visible in dollars bit can be adjusted in the Vests value.

Good point but you know that many people feel they have already purchased this right by buying STEEM and powering it up.

So, I can upvote my posts, of 3 paragraphs, and that's all just great?
This is so short sighted...

Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine. Steem, like most things, has herd mentality at its core. Self Comment Voting might actually just be a short term issue as the ecosystem can correct it with enough foresight.

Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.
Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.> Paying yourself first on a post is one thing, comments is just asinine.

I guess you COULD say it 5 times fast lol

Yes, but what do you really think?

What are your hidden motivations, agenda, and actual considerations, besides your kneejerk reactions to other's behavior?

Why do i feel like I'm back in High School, and cliques rule the day?

working within a general consensus is a reasonable way to get along with folk. As long as that general consensus does not violate your morals. even if out side our preferences.

I can say I unabashedly upvote my own comments sometimes. Said vote is worth next to nothing. For me it's increased visibility. however, by the time one of my comment upvotes could be worth a few sbd, everything I do will be plenty visible. No need to self upvote. I have no money in upvotes, so if money was taken away, no skin off my back. it is nice to get a $$$ upvote now and again, but.. I won't cry if that disappears.

I think it's helpful to be able to change the visibility of my comment more so than earning a profit from it.

I just laughed pretty hard in the middle of public and now everyone thinks I'm crazy... @stellabelle

Welcome to the club.

those motheryunkers lol

It’s starting to turn into a real issue. I just see spammers everywhere upvoting themselves and getting a network to upvote them as well. Then people see those comments and upvote them because hey others are upvoting…. Thank you for sharing these resources. I just wish there were more tools to directly deal with some of these people. I’ve even tried talking a new Steemain about his actions and it didn’t end well. He ended up swearing at me in another langue from the best I can tell using google translate lol. Some people just don’t care, and want to get their greedy hands on whatever they can while they can.

upvote captcha coming to a greedy steemian near you ... lol

I hope not, I fail those more times than the bots do. I’ll never get to upvote again! I bet I would get auto banned after my 10th fail trying type in the first captcha.

Now if those are just applied to "greedy' and we define that as someone spamming every 15 secs then I would be all for it!

captcha became user friendly but if that is what you fear then we can reverse the mechanism meaning instead of trying to type what is unreadable, we write it down like a pass that will be used everytime we upvote ... a 1 time "reverse" captcha will be used to register ur upvote pass...
how you define greedy lol... u can only prevent abuse by ...

reverse captcha - reversing abuse
reverse "catcha" - catcha ur greedy bottom
talk to me baby.. :p

I hope they will change the self-upvote system, I'm quite new here but it bugged me out from the beginning. If people prefer to upvote and reward themselves instead of rewarding others, the very essence of this platform is gone. However i'm not going to defend these self upvoters but I litterly came here after watching and reading about Steemit and the term "You can vote for yourself." came up quite alot which I did not fully understand at the beginning.. But now I do! and I mean c'mon everyone wants to make money to survive.. right? I don't blame people if they drive a car simply because that car is designed to drive.. The developer's should re-consider to alter or change this function like mentioned above in your article. People already are giving idea's and solutions.. And I'm sure many people here with the right knowledge would want to help change this problem. So I hope changes will be made. And that would stimulate people to stay if they actually got rewarded for a nice comment instead of ignored by the author and selfvotes his own "hmm okay thanks" reply. But I believe in the other other 80% that are on Steemit with good intentions towards other such as creative artists or coders or who ever you might run up to right here on Steemit. If we want to be noticed we gotta work together and help each other instead of only ourselfves. And your last tag is wtf but hilarious. 😃

I'm 109% supporting no rewards for self vote comments! Stop those abusers!

SelfUPVOTE - DISABLED = Problem FIXED! Lots of people would earn less, for "crap material"... But @money plays!

Am Upvoted and resteemed ! Hope more people will see it !

giphy (63).gif

Won't solve it. Just uovote yourself with another account, easy to transfer SP..

Super-mega Downvote Bots that recognizes the same user by ip or something I dunno, and downvotes the self-upvoters ?

Is it a possibility?

Might be, but then again someone could just use VPN. Banning certain behavior is just like government regulations. You always need to regulate the regulations because there's always some unexpected problems caused. We don't won't to start on that slippery slope

thank you for sharing this

